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Sunday, June 03, 2012

Hope ........can see us through ......Anything!

This week is............ my Birthday.
For the past 4 years my so-called (historic?) immediate family (children & dear former wife), never even bother to try to contact me by any means, on such a......'special' day. 
Just a big Silence........of 'painful' Nothing....!
It is for me therefore a very 'sad' day.......... thinking of it in 'this context of  hopeless -forgotten love of the past.......'

"The future is as bright as the promises of God..!"

But, notwithstanding.......
No one knows the future. 
We try—we look to forecasters and experts to help us navigate the days ahead. 
But no one can say for sure what the future holds.

Except for God.!
He knows the plans He has for me, & for you; some of which are greater and more exciting than you can EVER imagine today....

What lies ahead? 
You already know the answer. 
With an open and obedient heart, great works and great moments that God has planned especially for me.... for you!

“However, as it is written:

'No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him.'”

1 Corinthians 2:9

Shalom ......... Maranatha

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