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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Established....... / "Bevestigd"!

Established in Jesus Christ...! 
This is the Secret to a Fulfilled and Abundant Life...


This word conveys the ideas of...

...Permanence, Strength & the Ability to withstand attack & with Long-term Stability. 

This is the word Peter used in his 2nd letter: 2Peter:
So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. (2 Peter 1:12)

With every gift you give and prayer you offer to others, -you are like the Apostle Peter, firmly establishing believers in God's Love and Grace... 
It is reminding believers of all that Christ has accomplished – essential truths that Peter shares in verse 3 and 4:
-God has given us everything we need for Life and Godliness.
-God has given us His' very great and precious Promises.
-Through these, we may participate in the Divine nature and escape the world's corruption.

Being established in the fundamentals is so vital to living the abundant life... 
...Jesus has promised!

He boldly declares that we can add to our Faith...
-Brotherly kindness &
-Love, -as a result of these truths..!

Then, he reminds us that if we find any of these things missing in our lives it is because we've forgotten the fundamentals! 
Specifically, we've forgotten that, in Christ, we are forgiven people.

Therefore, -no reason being anymore confused about our status with God.
Remember consequently who we are in Him and allow Him to re-establish each of us as one of His children, -immovable in the face of everything life throws at us, -daily!

Here is Peter's message: If you want to be established, you must be grounded in the basics. 
.....There simply is no other way!

Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ... 

So easy..., -yet we make it so difficult at times!
Through us, His' hands and feet in the world, He establishes people in His Grace, Forgiveness & Life...

Shalom & ....Maranatha

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