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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The 'Hidden War'........... at Present in South Africa against the Whites !

Denial doesn't make it go away; the Threat is REAL........!

It is a war that is only visible when the big pattern is revealed over time.....

If you could play the seemingly-isolated events of a 'Hidden War' in speeded-up time, its real nature would be visible.

'Hidden War' is the opposite of the 'Blitzkrieg' 

A war so slow, that you hardly notice it..... 
A war so 'hidden' that those waging it can deny that it is actually happening. 
Under the fog of war, they hide it as "ordinary crime". 
The end result is still the same as the Blitzkrieg. 
Total annihilation of the enemy.............

War has changed a lot over the last 100 years or so. 
We have seen chemical warfare in WW1, Blitzkrieg in WW2, Nuclear War. Cold War, People's War, to name but a few.

'Hidden War' is also a strategy of the USA against the world. 
Little steps at a time, ever coming close to the goal of world domination. 
You see it in their war on drugs in South America, their involvement in Africa under "Africom", their military bases are strewn all over Europe, & elsewhere......

A microcosm of this is the 
'Hidden War' against whites in South Africa.

If the whites were told 20 years ago that...... 
......-they would have to give 50% of their farms away to blacks, you probably would have had a war.
......-their Afrikaans schools and universities would be forced to become English and taken over by blacks, you would have had war.
......-their language would disappear from television, you would have a war.
......-they would be forced out of the civil service in their hundreds of thousands and replaced by incompetent blacks, you would have had war.
.......-the names of all their towns and streets would be replaced with the names of Marxist terrorists, you would have had war.
......-they would be handing their beautiful country over to incompetent thieving Marxist scum who would steal their tax money in the billions, you would have a war.

If you killed 4,000 white farmers en masse 20 years ago and robbed, raped, tortured and murdered another 40,000 whites in their homes, you would have had a war.

Yet all of this, and a lot more, happened in the 20 year reign of the ANC. 
Where is the war?

The war is one-sided and it is waged by a tyrannical regime against a 10% minority of the population in South Africa who is not fighting back because they cannot see the 
'Hidden War' 

Denial doesn't make it go away; t
he Threat is REAL........!

The most amazing part is that so many whites (mostly misanthropic liberals,) -refuse to acknowledge it. 
It is only a few right-thinking whites who are able to speed the events of the last 20 years up and see it for what it really is......!

The ultimate question is, "How do you fight against such a 
'Hidden War' ?"

Then you get the other type of 
'Hidden War' deniers. 
Those who say that: 
"Wait, when the time comes, we will fight....... 
At the moment there is no fight yet."

Exactly when is that time? 
These are the ones who do not even realize what kind of war is being waged upon them. They have not made the paradigm shift yet. 
They are still expecting a Boer War or something along the lines of the former Border War, -when the enemy has changed its tactics long ago.

Whilst the quicksand slowly sucks them under, they wait for some event where the black hordes will descend upon the whites and murder them in their thousands. 
An event that might never come..... 
Meanwhile, the 'Hidden War' continues and one day they will wake up, look out the window and ask....... 

"Where have all the white South Africans gone?"

Shalom ...... & Maranatha 

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