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Monday, September 25, 2017

Patience....... / Geduld........

Patience waiting. Not passively waiting, (that's laziness); but to KEEP GOING when the going is 'hard & slow'..... That IS....Patience!

The sea does not reward those who are tóó Anxious, 
tóó Greedy, or tóó Impatient....

To 'dig' for treasures shows not only Impatience & Greed, -but lack of Faith. 
Patience, patience, patience, what the sea teaches. 
Patience & Faith. 
One should lie empty......, open......, choiceless as a beach – waiting for a gift from the sea... 

No doubt, losing children empties you like nothing else....

Life brings full circle every decision we have made, -every seed ever sown. 
God, in His Infinite Mercy, 
......tills the land, 
......making a beauty of our ashes.

It does matter that we choose the strait gate, the narrow way. 
It matters that there had to be a reckoning, a punishment for violations...
I have no fear though straight the gate:
He cleared from punishment the scroll.
Christ is the Master of my fate!
Christ is the Captain of my soul!

Shalom ..... & Maranatha!

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