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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Hints..... of what is Coming!

....Renewal is what happens when you realize that 'some' of this 'stuff' you've been 'conscientiously carrying around'.....doesn't in fact matter whatsoever...!

As Christian, the moment when your body will be renewed -will be Awesome.....! 
...As sure as and certain as God Himself! 

Sure as the renewal of heaven and earth... 
How else could we enjoy the fierce beauty of a renewed creation unless we, too, are renewed and made strong, stronger than we ever were here? 
How could we possibly play in the fields of a new earth or fulfill our roles in the kingdom of God unless we are, well—Glorious...?

He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal. He renews your youth—you’re always young in his presence. (Psalm 103:4–5 The Message)

Death is utterly swept away at the Great Restoration. 
And not only death, but every other form of sorrow, assault, illness, and harm we’ve ever known. 
You will be completely renewed—body, soul, and spirit. 

How do we even imagine this? 
Take it in small steps; think of some recovery you have experienced. 
A piercing headache can be debilitating; you know the sweet relief when it vanishes. 
Surely you have had some nasty flu, and you know what a joy it was to get your strength and appetite back. 

These little glimpses of our restoration are taking place all the time, hints of what is Coming...
Soon...... very soon! 

Shalom ..& Maranatha

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