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Friday, March 24, 2017

Personal 'Calamities' DO happen.......!

"...If God is NOT part of the planning/set-up/deal  ... it is NOT worth pursuing it! "

Three things you have to know: 
First, God has a plan for this....... 
In some crazy way, this is no surprise to Him, and everything is going to be okay. 
Second, for what it’s worth, don’t pursue the blaming game ... ” 
Rather be troubleshooting & futuristic solution-orientated.....!

So here’s the question:
How in the world did one get to the point of Trusting God so .... 'Recklessly'
Where did that sense of peace come from? 

If this had happened to me nine years earlier, (amidst other disasters), I’d have been a basket case.....

It might be a stretch to use the word "joyful", but I was experiencing something in my heart that was completely incongruent with the sometimes less desirable circumstances....
It was “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” (Phil. 4:7 ).

Please don’t think I have “arrived” or am some spiritual 'giant'... 
I am still molded every day -in every way possible & have a very long way to go....
There are many times when I am terribly frustrated with life. 
I worry. 
I lose my patience. 
I covet things....... 
But underneath it all, I have this pleasant undercurrent of joy. 
I’d consider myself a 4 out of 5 on the joy scale. 
....Okay, maybe a 3.5......

I have arrived at the conclusion that there are at least two parts to joy:
– Our Doing & Being....
Our Doing has to do with how we manage the practical parts of our lives. 
As I like to say, how we 'steward' our ......
Temple (bodies), 
Tribe (friends, family, co-workers...) 

The Bible is full of practical ways to live that lead to better circumstances in our lives… to the extent, we can 'temporarily' control/(manipulate) our circumstances..... 
There are right ways and wrong ways to manage these 5 T’s. 

Even if someone removed all the spiritual truth from the Bible, it would remain the world’s best playbook for how to live well. 
Or at least how to avoid all of the self-inflicted pain so many suffer from.......
The Doing dimension of joy is more about our paradigm than practicalities. 
Having the truth of who God is — and who we are because of Christ — deeply embedded in our minds and hearts positions us for joy and peace regardless of our physical circumstances.....

As I have tried to follow God’s instructions (doing) and tried to get to know how He sees me (being) over the last 10 years, my level of joy has steadily increased.... (in spite of sometimes horrendous circumstances!)
His Spirit has worked through the Word and through my personal connection with him to 'ripen' / improve/change me. 

As I indicated earlier, I’m not perfect, -but I can believe (live) / 'doing' the path, -WITHOUT 1st having to see it.......! (2Cor 5:7)
Rom 8:28 - All things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

"...If God is NOT part of the planning/set-up/deal  ... it is NOT worth pursuing it! "

Shalom & Maranatha

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