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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sekerheid as mens..... / 'Certainty during Uncertain' times......

"....there is NOTHING we can NOT Overcome..."

From a distance we in the church often 'all' look like 'beautiful people'...... 

We're well-dressed; have nice smiles; look friendly; appear cultured, under control . . . at peace.

...It is ONLY with the 'Heart' that one can see Rightly...                                                                                                       What is REALLY essential is truly Invisible to the 'eye' !
But what a different picture comes in view when someone 'gets up close' & 'in touch'! 
What appeared so placid is really a mixture of winding roads of insecurity and uncertainty; -maddening gusts of lust, greed, and self-indulgence & pathways of pride glazed over with a slick layer of hypocrisy.....
All this is shrouded in a cloud of fear of being found out, -what we are really 'deep-down' like....

...If you JUDGE people, you have NO time to Love them.... 

From a distance, we dazzle; up-close..... we're tarnished!
Put enough of us together and we may resemble an impressive mountain range....
But when you get down into the shadowy crevices . . . the Alps we definitely are NOT!

Our REAL purpose in LIFE, -acceptance & NOT changing of OTHERS ..... 

That's why our Lord means so much to us...... 
He is intimately acquainted with all our ways. 
Darkness and light are alike to Him. 
Not one of us is hidden from His sight. 
All things are open and laid bare before Him: our darkest secret, our deepest shame, our stormy past, our worst thought, our hidden motive, our vilest imagination . . . even our vain attempts to cover the ugly with 'snow-white beauty, -resembling the Alps'
"....Love them as they ARE, - & not as YOU would like THEM to be..!"

He comes up so close. 
He sees it all. 
He knows our fragile frame. 
He remembers we are ONLY dust.
He has 'Grace & Mercy' upon us, -IF ONLY we 'Believe-in-Jesus-Christ-died-for-our-Sins'...!
Thereafter, he will then never forsake you.....
He will never dispose you; cast you out, along the way....

Love is 'Keeping the Promise -anyway, 'In Spite of...'

Best of all, He loves us still, in spite of 'ourselves'.....

.....Unconditionally !....

He unconditionally truly 'Accept & Love' us !

LOVE the GIVER -more than the Gift !

Unlike many 'humans' that misuse others; -a means to an End, 
He accept us as we are & 'stands aside' appreciative, -allowing us to Honor Him in what we 'think, say & do'....! 

Love your Loved Ones.... you'll miss them, once they're gone....

He is TRULY God-in-Three & that IS available 24/7 for us to optimize & utilize in Faith His' Promises... 'just passing through in this Life', -enroute to Eternity with HIM !

....Life is Short - spent time with THEM that you Love....
What a Future awaiting for us, -preparing & practising for it NOW, ('for a very limited time ONLY'..!)

Edify .... Edify .... Edify !

May we use our 'present time' wisely; count our numerous Blessings & only but 'edify' others unconditionally...
.... without 'trying to be 'a god' , ourselves !

The Greatest Gift that you can 'freely' give to others is the Gift of Unconditional Love & Acceptance....

Shalom & Maranatha....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written...