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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spiritual Maturity : Being NOT Selfish..... ! Geestelike Volwassendheid : Onselfsugtigheid ......!

"Julle moenie NET elkeen na sy EIE belange omsien nie, maar ook na mekaar se belange" (Fil 2:4)
Geestelike volwassenheid is die vermoë om in die beste belang van ander op te tree.
Onvolwasse mense vind dit moeilik om dinge uit iemand anders se oogpunt te sien.
Hulle is selde besorg oor wat die beste vir die andere rondom hulle is.
Die huidige situasie in Suid-Afrika se strate met stakings, onluste, & standbeeld-verwery herinner baie daaraan !
Op baie maniere is hulle soos kinders......
Die wêreld vir diesulkes is soortgelyk soos die vanuit die oogpunt van 'n tipiese kind:
* As ek daarvan hou, is dit myne.....
* As dit in my hand is, is dit myne....
* As ek dit by jou kan afvat, is dit myne....
* As ek dit 'n klein rukkie gelede gehad het, is dit myne....
* As dit myne is, mag dit nooit weer lyk asof dit joune is nie....
* As ek besig is met iets, is al die dele myne....
* As dit soos myne lyk, is dit myne....
* As ek dit eerste gesien het, is dit myne....
* As ek dit kan sien, is dit myne....
* As ek dink dis myne, is dit myne....

Spiritual maturity has nothing to do with your religiosity or your numerical age! 
It has everything to do with being able to discern when to back down, keep mute, apologize, forgive, and relinquish the desire to always come out right or win in every situation while controlling every person, situation and outcome that comes your way. 

It is being able to hear and obey that quiet, yet fiercely powerful voice that whispers to you, “let it go, it is not worth it”. 
It is finally being brave enough to strip yourself of your false and dangerous attire, that ego, that does nothing for your but destroys your happiness and peace of mind while also ravaging your body, soul and mind. 
It is about having the courage to uncover your core of undiluted love and goodness made precisely in His image and likeness!

When we truly begin that journey back to re-uniting with our core of goodness and love, we have taken a huge first step towards our own peace of mind and the peace of mind of everyone around us.
The ripple effect can indeed heal our relationships and our world! Is it time to journey back to your true self?

Ongelukkig gaan volwassenheid 'selde' met ouderdom gepaard....
Jy moet jou inherente selfsugtige houding beveg, wat 'n lewenslange stryd kan wees.
Dis egter 'n belangrike stryd, want as jy nie wen nie sal jy net op jou eie agenda fokus en ander mense vergeet.

Die Bybel sê, 'Julle gesindheid moet soos Jesus Christus s'n wees,' en alles wat Hy gedoen het, het Hy vir ander gedoen.
Dit kom daarop neer dat as jy ernstig is om in sy voetspore te volg, jy sal moet oefen om onselfsugtig te wees.....

Herewith some 'guidelines', that may help us/ others to see a simple solution for our 'inherent selfishness' & what has been looking like an overly complicated problem:
'Saying / portraying' ......
* "I'm sorry."
* "I love you."
* "Forgive me."
* "You were right."
* "Maybe mama was right."
* "I'll just let it go."
* "It's not really that important."
* "It's just ego, I'm acting like a baby."
* "Let me just calm down."
* "Let me look at it from their point of view."

Shalom .... & Maranatha !

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