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Friday, September 08, 2017

Herinneringe aan: Wees maar slegs Jouselwers..... ! Reminders, -To be whom & what you truly are....!

Starting Today... I need to forget what's Gone...
Appreciate what still remains... & Look forward to what is coming, -Next.. !

I have been known to do some 'out-of the-box' things....

'Kamakazie'..... was one of the nick names, I vaguely recalled

I'm relieved that most of them are not known by most of you.
If they were, I sincerely doubt that what little bit of 'sometimes displaced respect' I may have earned over the years, would remain intact....

But I suppose that's the reason I have such trouble to this day with stuffed shirts who have made it to the top and work hard to impress.
You 'know the kind' . . . super-dignified types, smoke blowers, who give off 'airs', who play roles and drop names and look shocked when even tiny cracks of humanity peek out from under their world of formality & 'show-off' importance.
Small-talk people who 'hobnob' with the 'hotshots' and expect special treatment by everyone everywhere....
I will not apologize if, I just have difficulty wading through all that artificial swamp, especially if cannibalistic pride is on parade, surrounded by materialistic pretenses & false 'securities'!
And more often than not.... it is, isn't it?

In such social settings, I find myself reverting to my immature years and wanting to make crazy faces across the room or set off a firecracker under the coffee table or surprise somebody in the face with a cream cake or pass a note that reads "Who really cares?" to the loudmouth bragging about how he is; his latest achievements, or how much she cleared last year after taxes.

But then, those things don't fit anymore the age-bracket I am in.....
We're supposed to calm the waves, not make them, -right?
Well, that's hard to do. And it's doubly hard if you've got a background that's with heart & soul & sinews an 'Afrikaner & Boer'.....

Hard times make for straight talk . . . and on many occasions, I recall being told the importance of standing alone, setting my own agenda, not trying to be something I wasn't, and above all, -especially lately walking more calmly & humbly with God.....

I'm grateful for those reminders; they have contributed to whom I am today.....

In Expectancy still breathing -with Contentment & Gratitude!

Shalom ... & Maranatha

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