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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Romance...... Is your Heart..."True"?

Everyone (most at least!), -has been betrayed by someone, some more profoundly than others. 
Betrayal is a violation that strikes at the core of our being; to make ourselves vulnerable and entrust our well-being to another, only to be harmed by those on whom our hopes were set, is among the worst pain of human experience.....
To be 'disposed' of; being 'traded-in / exchanged' for someone else, leaves a scar that are not to be easily reckoned with ...... 

Sometimes the way God ' treats'  us feels like betrayal. 
We find ourselves in a dangerous world, unable to arrange for the water our thirsty souls so desperately need. 
Our rope won't take the bucket to the bottom of the well. 
We know God has the ability to draw water for us, but oftentimes he won't. 
I feel wronged. 
After all, doesn't Scripture say that if we have the power to do someone good, we should do it (Prov. 3:27)

So why doesn't God?

Thinking about a painful life, how apparently ' reckless and unpredictable' God seems from our limited perspective, I want with pleading eyes asked the question many people most probable, -are all asking somewhere deep within: 
"How can I trust a lover who is so non-caring?" 
Indeed, how do we not only trust her/him, but love her/him in return? 
There's only one possible answer: 
You could love him if you knew her/his heart was good.
In the heart of every person lies an inconsolable longing. 
Men often know it as the hunger for adventure.
A Woman tend to feel it as a thirst for intimacy....
This longing is the 'secret of our lives'...... 
It tells us who we are, what our life was meant to be. 
If you have ever felt those deep yearnings, I have some really good news........This is what an Intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ truly offers, more than anything else......

Life is more than chores, & Love & Intimacy is more than duty. 
It is a Sacred Romance--a Love story ......

As so is 'True' Christianity...........
It is set in the midst of a life and death battle. 
With the only way to survive : "To rest securely , unwaveringly in God's Unconditional Eternal Love."

Shalom ...... & Maranatha

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