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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happiness .............takes Practice!

40 years ago… 
....... The average house is now 242% bigger 
......  A McDonald’s cheeseburger cost 30 min of wages, now it costs 3 min
....... There was 1 car for every 2 households, now there are 2 for every 1 household 
....... Life expectancy has since gone up by an average of 8 years 
....... GDP has since tripled 

* So we live in bigger homes, make more money, and have longer lives....?

If that is the case, how can we explain that in the last 40 years....? 
- The divorce rate has doubled (2x) !
- Teen suicide has tripled (3x) !
- Recorded violent crime has quadrupled (4x) !
- Depression has increased 10x – that’s right ten times !

If things are getting better, why are people getting worse? 

There isn't a one line answer to this paradox, but I’m going to offer a two part theory:
(1) We have been focusing on the wrong things to make us happy;
(2) When something is wrong (anxiety, panic, depression) we only practice
reducing the negative feelings – we ignore increasing the positive.

Guess what? 

Happiness doesn’t come from just reducing negative feelings. 
In other words, if everything “bad” in your life were wiped away, you would not automatically be incredibly happy.
To live a joyous, fulfilled, & meaningful life, you need to practice positivity. 
Yes, happiness takes practice.

One simple practice you can start with is called savoring. 
If you rush around all day long from the moment you get up to the moment you hit the pillow, you are probably not taking time to savor. 
Slow down and savor the good stuff. 
Savoring has been scientifically researched to increase your well-being.

There are 5 effective ways to savor:

Basking: Receiving praise and congratulations
Hopeful Anticipating ......future Joys
Thanksgiving: Experiencing and expressing gratitude
Marveling: Losing yourself in the wonder of the experience
Luxuriating: Engaging in the senses fully

Pick one of these techniques and sit down to savor right now. 
Sit down for 5 minutes (if you’re busy, even 2 minutes will do).
Think about one pleasant thing that happened today (smell, touch, sight, sound, experience) and close your eyes and enjoy it.

Reminisce about what you loved about it.

As humans we are great at doing and moving and pushing through to the next goal; but we need to also focus on enjoying, savoring, and just “being”. 
Remember, happiness takes practice, make it part of your day.

Shalom ........ & Maranatha

1 comment:

Veerkoppie said...

"Marveling at Life's wonders" - a way to savor.
Ek het so volop voorregte wat dit betref en deel graag met jou vanoggend se wonder! Ek stap in die reën , kop effens af om reën uiy my oge te hou en toe ek opkyk, sit daar 2 volmaakte halmaan reënboë bo mekaar! Van die see tot by die berg
Dit was 'n "wow" oomblik om weer 'n slag reën te kon voel op my , maar ook om die reënboë te sien! Ek deel graag my rykdom met jou!