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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Invest your Pain ....rather than let it go to waste....

There are no more Tears ...
, are left is the 'sometimes throbbing pain' from past scars, 
-of being disposed of...... by 'so-called' blood-family...

In almost every trial we face God is seeking to "tell" us something. 
Sometimes the only time he can get our attention is when we're hurting sufficiently to slow us down so we will stop and listen.

That has certainly been true in my life. 
God used several ways to get my attention and to speak to me. 
The decision(s) I made as a result ended up changing the total course of my life. 
Another time God used a major crisis and loss to expand my growth as person. 

When you are hurting, you can be sure that God has something to say to you too—something for your good. 
Ask him to help you hear what it is and to give you the courage to do what he is telling/leading you to do.
Whatever it is, you can be certain it will enrich your life in one way or another.
Furthermore, whatever you do, don't waste your pain. 
Invest it in your own growth and then in helping another fellow struggler(s) along the way...

Jak 1:2  Ag dit louter vreugde, my broeders, wanneer julle in allerhande versoekinge val, 

Jak 1:3  omdat julle weet dat die beproewing van julle geloof lydsaamheid bewerk. 
Jak 1:4  Maar die lydsaamheid moet tot volle verwerkliking kom, sodat julle volmaak en sonder gebrek kan wees en in niks kortkom nie. 

Shalom & Maranatha

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