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Monday, March 19, 2012

Positive Emotions vs Mingling in ( & with) the Negative...!

Forget about 'Winning the Lottery'.... !
 It's the little 'sweet spots' in an ordinary day that add up to True happiness.
It was 'discovered' that....

* Life satisfaction trickles up from tiny, positive events that occur every day....
Not down from what you have or what you think you need....!

* Experiencing a greater number of positive emotions was a much better predictor of life satisfaction & resilience than .............having fewer negative emotions.
Positive moments build on resilience and end up helping people (in the long term) to deal with life challenges & consequently, makes for a better life. 

People who were more content weren’t content, -just because they had fewer bad days. 
Their satisfaction with life came from being better able to deal with challenges, which itself was influenced by experiencing more positive emotion.

* Positive emotions predict your satisfaction with life, NOT the other way around.
People have assumed in the past that your feelings of one day are just a reflection of your overall satisfaction with life, BUT.......
Positive emotions actually in 'itself' "cultivate" resources that account for life satisfaction

* Negative emotions:  Narrows your thinking & cause you to focus on the immediate problems you're facing. 
* Positive emotions:  Allows you to broaden your horizons, which in turn allows you to discover new resources & connections with people.

* So rather than focus on the things you think should improve your quality of life, cultivate the tiniest of moments that 'will allow"/make you feel good....
Think of it like eating nutrients.....
One carrot won't make you healthy, it's eating five to eight servings a day for a long time that does the trick...!
Possible 'Micro-Acts' in cultivating 'Treasures' you might consider....
Be gracious. 
The easiest positive emotion to generate is Gratitude.
Take a look at your surroundings and try to find at least one thing in your life that’s a 'Gift'......

* Be open to the present.
 People tend to get preoccupied with how things should be, their expectations of what the future should be, & ruminating about the past.
But being open to what’s going on in the here and now allows you to appreciate the small things, such as enjoying natural beauty, or those random acts of kindness that bumper stickers always advertise. 
We’re often blinded to those because we’re so focused on Why life is NOT going the way we think it should!

* Don’t force it.
Thinking that ‘I need to be positive’ creates a toxic insincerity....
You can’t force positive emotions, because it goes against how the brain interprets feelings. 
People feel certain things because they interpret their current circumstances in a certain way.
It’s easier to change your circumstances so they’ll lead to positive emotions, rather than trying to force yourself into being positive with slogans or goofy T-shirts. 
Instead of forcing fake positivity, think about the small things that make you a little bit happy, and build those into your day.

" Live a Daily Life of Gratitude"   I have referred to in 'Earlier Moose Bloggs.."!

* Do a "gut-feel" check
How can you be sure you’re getting those daily bits of positive emotion? 
You’ll feel them in your body as well as your mind; they’re literally “heartfelt” gut-feelings. 
Positive emotions are accompanied by feeling like your heart is opening or swelling or expanding in some way... That’s the signal—emotions should come with bodily sensations....

Shalom & Maranatha

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