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Sunday, May 06, 2012

"Vergifnis" / Forgiveness.....

If you would like to reconcile & the other person wouldn't.......
What then ?
Even if she/he/them would never reconcile with me........, 
.............I knew that I have to do what God called me to do....
I have to wash the feet of  'my Judas' 
....& only then : I passed the 'test'

God doesn't promise that...........

........ if we forgive there will be a happy ending. 
..........the man who refuses to pay a bill will suddenly write a check. 
......... the one who rejects reconciliation will instantly soften his heart.
 Jesus forgave his executioners, but that didn't keep them from nailing Him to the cross.

The Graduate Level Test  is not about getting the results we want. 
It's about proving that we trust God enough to forgive our 'Judases'. 
It's a graduate-level course in Christian obedience. 
But I believe that every leader whom God uses in a significant way must pass the Judas Test.

God wants to know if we are willing to be imitators of Jesus. 
How can we say we are followers of Christ if we won't wash the feet of our Judases?

"....Until you rest in the Finality of the Cross, you will
never experience the Reality of the Resurrection....."
Shalom & Maranatha..!

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