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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Time for...Compassionate Care (Empathy), for others..?

Ironic, that very FEW affluent /snobbish 'Family members' ever qualify to be among the Elite of ranks, -those called 'True Friends'  ? !

"Every man can tell you how many goats or sheep he possesses, but NOT how many "true" friends.....!"

....someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believes the fake smile…!

When was the last time YOU ........
- Took a family member / (hopefully ' true' friend), to a movie, that for an instant relieved them of burdens they carried? 
- Made them see another side, and they realized that things weren't so bad after all? 
- Inspired them to do better and to feel better? 
- Told a joke that made your friends eyes water from the laughter? 
.....Did one of those things for a friend? 
It is a difficult 'job'! 
It's hard enough to do those things for ourselves and those under your own roof, harder still for 'friends' 
It's even more difficult to do these things each day. 
Suppose you could do that... 
Each day... 
For a friend? 
Would you? 

 "With all that I have to do, how can I do that every day for friends?" you ask. 
We are all so busy. 
There is so much to do and so little time and money. 
We are hurried, worried, and buried. 
We are often buried with the stuff of life and survival....

Nevertheless ALL the multitude of excuses we can 'innovate' & list to avoid this issue; the best time to ' Do It ' , is when you, yourself are .....- down, depressed, down & out, and urgently in NEED of a friend, yourself ! 
Go out (without much reasoning), - & BE A FRIEND to someone else!
It is a wonderful 'anecdotal cure', to your own 'dilemma' 

Do 'something' for your friends today, -that will last every day. 
Every man can tell you how many goats or sheep he possesses, but not how many friends. 
Start Counting... you've got something far more valuable than goats and sheep. 
A minute for a lifetime ...for a family member/friend ?

Is dit nie juis waartoe ons 'Gebore' is nie...? die Hande & Voete van Jesus te wees, in Sy ' fisiese' afwesigheid nie.
- Die 2e Gebod ? 

Shalom & Maranatha 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dankie ! Jy is so 'n vriend vir my!