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Sunday, March 11, 2012

How can I (if there is ever a 2nd time,) Love my Family... Better?

In nearly every letter written to the fledgling churches in the first century, Paul, Peter and John consistently pleaded with their readers to love their families, to give themselves for their families and to protect their families from evil. 

This is a pretty good indicator that they had the same questions and experienced the same problems as we do in the 21st century.
Consequently to Guide is in this subject, -should be: The Bible.....

There is nothing like the family relationship to expose our faults and reveal our fundamental selfishness
Loving our families requires nothing less than the perfect Agape Love of Jesus Christ, and this love does not flow naturally from us. 
Apart from Jesus, we cannot love our families as we’re clearly called to do in the Bible.

If you need proof of this, just read 1 Corinthians 13 and substitute the phrase “I am always” for the words “love is”
If you’re like me..., you’ll give up on the very first description:
 I am always patient....?

In John 15, Jesus tells us to abide in Him, because apart from Him we can do nothing. 
It is only as we abide in the Vine (Jesus) that the fruit of the Vine will be produced in us.
Love is the fruit of His life.

Most family problems arise from one cause....
" The need to control" 
I want it, you have it, and so I’m going to figure out how to get it away from you. 
Everyone in the family, both parents and children, does this....! 
It is the natural result of sin. 
Some try to gain control through the use of power; others through manipulation. 
Regardless of the style used, the results are always the sameDysfunction, Anger, Pain & Broken relationships.

This desire for control is fed by a combination of unrealistic expectations and misplaced dependencies. 
As examples, I might expect my spouse to love me unconditionally, or .........
I define my value as a person by my “perfect” children.

The Born-again Child of God has another option
When we abide in the vine, that is, when we walk by faith, the love of Jesus will begin to overflow from our lives to the lives of others. 
The Holy Spirit renews our minds, teaching how to think clearly and truthfully. 
We begin to serve one another instead of looking for ways to be served by others.

Walking by faith  (2 Cor 5:7) ....allows us to see our children as the incredible gifts God intended them to be
It allows us to see their strengths and talents in order to train them in the way they should go, rather than trying to force them to be something else.
 Most important, it shows us how to transfer their dependence on US (WE).... to ....Dependence on Jesus!

Walking by faith allows us to serve our spouses, to experience what it really means when two become one. 
It shows us how to divide responsibilities according to interest & ability instead of by the need to control.There is no better testing ground for the reality of faith, hope and love than our families. 

This means that Satan takes special care to attack them at every turn. 
But no matter what Satan does, no matter the bone-headed decisions we or our children make, the perfect love of Jesus casts out all fear. 
His Grace is sufficient...... to every situation.

Elke individu in 'n familie-konteks, -beiinvloed onuitwisbaar die 'Lewe' van een-ander.
Onmiskenbaar is die invloed daarvan met die verloop van jare afgeets in dit wat ons dink, se & doen.
Die ' memories'  sal die 'dood' nooit kan negeer nie.
Ook nie die " disposing of" van diegene wat "obsolute" & oorbodig geraak het nie.
Die 'vloek' van 'onthou' is jou folterende 'trofee' vir jou wat 'swaarde' met die 'wedergebore gees' van jou medemens wou kruis...

If you want to....
.... love your spouse better, 
.... be a successful parent, 
.... understand your parents for perhaps the first time, then...(solely & only)
 Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of your faith
Abide in Him, the Vine, and allow His life to infuse your life as a branch...!

Shalom & Maranatha

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