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Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Falacy of: "I Love ou" / Misplaaste "Ek't jou lief" !

Mostly Misplaced !  agv 'n kwistige Misgebruik..!

You Lie !/  Dis ONWAAR !

.... unless  the 'word' : "UNDCONDITIONALLY"  / ONVOORWAARDELIK

wesenlik, 'n integrale deel vorm van 'dit' wat jy Se, ...Skryf .....Doen                (Sex included) !

1 Cor. 13  lists many 'micro-attributes' of what  "True Love" may & might Do & NOT do.....
But NO 'place' it is outright spelled-out', that the 'unconditional' aspects of what it latently implies are an integral part of the 'actual meaning' thereof.....
Tog word die ' intensie /betekenis-in-realiteit' op vele plekke in die Bybel asook deur meeste ander gelowe  deur sinspel, gelykenisse, verhale, teregwysings & ander wyses herhaaldelik geillustreer...!

The essence of the meaning of the words: "I Love You" -nevertheless goes to the wayside, because of various reasons...... 
1st & foremost because the 'Essence of "Real" Life on Earth' is missed.......
Jesus, came to earth, to in 'practical terms' came to live such a Life as a 'Practical ' example........... 

( See some other relevant 'postings' within this Blogg-site : )

When these 3 mostly 'misunderstood' words in any language in the world are uttered, it actually means inter alia........
I ('shall ' =a promise ?)  .....
......... - ALWAYS (i.e. Now & Forevermore) .......... 
............................... #  Life up to 'the Practical Example of Jesus Christ' ...that implicates..... :  (This List is inexhaustibly long & never-ending........! )
     * .... put 'You' (the/your 'loved one') : 1st     
     * .... I don't want to change you (not NOW, not in the Future)     
     * ... accept you (100%) (that is what unconditionally means..!), as-you-are
     *.... where you are NOW (maybe, most of the time not so perfect (in all dimensions)....!)
     * ... for WHOM you are NOW & in time to come
     * ... Forgiveness (70 x 7 times a day........ every day)!
     * ... Etc.

(......You can add several 'acronyms'  that may fit your specific situation...)  

The Validly ('Acid-TEST' ), to the  'appropriate' use of "I Love You", is solidly embedded, in 'WHAT' you are.......   
.....Thinking ( = intending) 
....Saying,  ( or not saying)
....Doing, ( or should NOT be doing), 
-whether in Reality, or projection through Body Language, or any other Means of Communication)

"I Love You" is ..... 
...Having made / ('optimized') the God-given Capacity of Grace & Mercy to project the "I" into the "thou," ....
...To be solely concerned about the the 'other person'.... 
.... Transferring  the self-centered concern / focus on 'I, me & myself ' to the other person/or
...Re-phrasing the question : "If you don't do what you 'should do' / do what you shouldn't do, (within the 'Real Love' context), what would happen (negatively / not positively) to your 'Loved one' ?   

Die Bybel ( as grootste verkoper van enige boekin die wereld,) is die Alleenmaatstaf van bogenoemde...

Die vertaling van "I love you" in Afrikaans, is: "Ek't Jou Lief"   word egter in Hollands in die bostaande grafika vertaal as: "Ik hou van jou"......
Dit is NIE korrek !
'Ek hou van jou' & 'Ek't jou Lief', is ligjare van mekaar verwyderd........ !
Eersgenoemde is stadium (gevoel) wat kan/mag varieer na verloop van tyd of a.g.v. 'n aktiwiteit, gebeurtenis in die toekoms.....
'Ek't jou Lief ', - het 'n onmiskenbare 'Ewegheids-element' van Permanensie.....!

How is that then possible that one can 'Fall in Love' & 'Fall out-of Love'? 
It is NOT possible..... because it is NOT TRUE to the 'essence' of the 'true 'meaning' of the 'sacred' Word : Love !
When everything is said & done.......
Love (Relationships), is finally,the ONLY thing that ....remains!

So min as wat jy 'familie' kan 'ont-familie' (nie meer familie nie); net so min kan 'Lief he' verander na 'nie-liefhe-nie'  
Vriendskap / Verliefdheid, -is egter 'n ander ding; dis tydelik & kan verander; meer intens word, kwyn of selfs tot 'n einde kom.....

Please see in this regard ............

...& /or you can 'browse' (Search) the section 'Realtionships' at the top of this Blogg-page.  


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