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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Today...........another 'miracle' Day

I woke up this morning.  
I felt good........ 
...... I had energy.  
My mind was clear, the sun was shining........, 
An...Angel the clouds....?

I so 'wish' I had ...
- a Proverbs 31, Wife.... 
- one that would be ..... internally smiling ?  
- (never fuming from the inside)...........!
- coffee that's hot, I have already got ....

I've Earnestly Prayed........... 
The Lord WILL His' time, .........with His Humor.... 

Challenges and situations will be there TODAY to tackle and confront ......
.......... But they can wait until I finish the coffee, - and Thank in humble Gratitude my God for the Opportunity that this day truly presents ! 
Problem...... today?  
No, just another miracle - just another one of these wonderful blessings we call ....Days. 

As a fallible , human being, I much too often, take for granted the blessings bestowed upon me, 
-without fear of ever losing them &
- without consideration of what our lives might otherwise be like....!


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