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Monday, November 22, 2010

'Lasting' Satisfaction & Happiness ?........the "Yuppie-way" vs the "Humble-Modest-way"

50%+ of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important
They do not intentionality mean to do harm,...they are 'only' egocentrically selfishly absorbed in the endless-loop of a struggle to think well of themselves....

How do we feel important.....?
Often, it's by trying to obtain an image of success created by a culture that prizes getting ahead in terms of money and career. 
Think how much more integrity there would be if we understood how futile it is to pursue the empty vessel of prosperity.

In The Death of Ethics in America, Cal Thomas quotes a letter written to The Washington Post in the mid-1980s:  
"I've lived both lives, Yuppie and non-Yuppie," the person wrote. 
"In the first, I was married to a professional woman, and on our dual incomes we Club Med-ed, sports car-raced, alpine-skied, and Kennedy-Centered our 14-year marriage into oblivion"
"I'm now 42, remarried to a woman who gave up her professional career to provide full-time care for our one and five-year-old daughters, and living in Gaithersburg, Maryland—on one salary."
"Trips to Australia and Europe, Saturday night dining at Nathan's, and Wolf Trap concerts are distant memories......
 Vacations are now taken in our nine-year-old used pop-up camper, and dining out means 'Hooray! Daddy's bringing home a pizza......' 
We've just started into the second round of 'One hundred readings of Pat the Bunny' for our 1-year-old..... 
Satisfaction level in my first life measured about 2 on the 10 scale. Measured now, satisfaction is about 9.5 of a possible 10......"

Seldom....... if ever, I've found any of these people as a source of inspiration or motivation, (unlike they might have been to me before......) 
The "I, me & myself " that features in every & any monologue conversation of them, are most of the time, very upfront & in your face to a point of an almost 'gagging-reflex' on your side ...; you as the 'well-mannered listener' acting purely as a sounding-board to sooth & promote even further the ego of the talker, to a level that exceed,  'snobbish proportions'. 
I've found most of them to be rude, obnoxious & extremely insensitive to the needs of others, (-or anything else that would not benefit themselves)
They force & steam-roller their 'always-right' one-sided opinion upon others, with little empathy or any consideration of the opinion of another;  the 'air-bubble'of self-righteousness that very often surrounds them, are most of the time offensive & intrusive with jealousy, to the private lives of others.
The rippling-effect of their behavior leaves a path of destruction like a Tsunami ...
Relationships, -whether it was a former friendship, employer-employee relationship or a love relationship, are often (if not most of the times), permanently destroyed beyond a point of you having a willingness to even bother anymore.
When you are being seen as obsolete, -you are in any case conveniently, being disposed of.... without making much of it; -you being rationalized & projected as the 'cause/reason' thereof !
A win-lose attitude , -but in real terms .......... it is a Lose-lose of a precious former relationship

(The Description (above)  is very 'vivid' exact & 'just as it is' in 'real' life......?
...........unfortunately 'many moons ago'............ years back, I was 'one of them' my absolute shame and regrettable dismay......) 

Which category do YOU belong to........ ?


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