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Monday, May 10, 2010

[Patience+Faith=Peace]--->'Belief Completed' ...A Virtue!

Patience ...only a Virtue or a Life-changing Ingredient ('catalytic calibrator") for Reality....
Why is patience then SO important?
I have come to understand that patience is necessary for us 'synchronize' ourselves with the natural cyclical & seasonal flow of life 24/7. 
Like the elderly amidst us, &/or indigenous people of Africa / South America & the like, -we must acquire 'infinite patience'. 'Infinite' patience precedes perfect peace. To feel impatient and peaceful at the same impossible, -they're worlds apart ! Patience and peace are so very important because at the heart of the matter is "Faith". 
FAITH in ......'WHO' is ACTUALLY still IN CONTROL  (NEVERTHELESS our circumstances)! 
It's a key to our happiness to bring what is invisible into the visible. 
"We don't walk by sight, rather by Faith" 2 Cor. 5:7
We create with our (minds /imagination) 'thought-patterns' first. Consequently we enjoy or detest depending on how we use our thought. Is it then true, (I might ask:) "If we choose to 'create' what we want with our thought, -we enjoy; if we choose to create what we DON't want, we detest...?" 
GOD's presence is working for us & through us for our benefit only in so far as our 'Believe' in the Trinity's Promises. That 'belief and knowing' translated into action is part of Faith.  This is the place where miracles can and do occur.....
So back to patience; when we have perfect faith, we believe completely, No we actually 'know-in-our-knower'! When we know that something is, there is no lack of patience because we know that what we have created in our minds is now the 'Truth' and therefore must be.....
All we must do is 'let it be'...... And we do that by going with the flow of life, letting God's Provision, in covering the alignment of 'our vision' with that of the 'Will of God', to unfold before us in His' Perfect Way; all the while trusting that whatever takes place is moving us in the direction of our Dream, under His' covering!
It is not our job to MAKE anything happen. 
It is our job to Obey God; accept His Promises & then LET His Plan 'happen'. In this beautiful and fun process which in fact is the 'call of life', there is never a 'lack of patience'. There is only expansion and unfoldment 'knowing that what seems to be challenge' is only the gaining of something (=Faith) needed along the journey to allow the 'unfolding of history-in-the-making' to take place, in 'now' reality
Patience is important because it is closely linked with peace and together they consequently might 'cause'  Faith which is a key to the 'flickering flame' of earthly Life that gives substance and creative energy to our thoughts and words. 
Faith is......what allows us to feel what we can 'see in our minds & feel in our hearts' while it is still invisible to others vision.....
Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; yea, wait for the LORD! Psalm 27:14
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to GOD; and the peace of GOD which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds. Philippians 4:6-7

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