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Sunday, May 09, 2010

Gratitude vs Discontempt / Grumbling

The ordinary man-in-the-street / 'careless soul', receives Daily Blessings  of food , shelter, clothes etc. as if it were a 'way things had', -an 'obliged natural act' of dropping 'automatically' into his always stretched-out hand. 
Nevertheless, he is ever complaining, as if someone were accountable for the 'mundane problems' which meet him at every turn & round every 'nook & cranny' 
For the good/positive that comes to him, he gives no thanks - ' "Who" is there to thank?' 
At the disappointments/negative that befall him he grumbles - 'There must be (always) "someone" to blame!'

"That's not fair!" ....
.......seems to be written into our genes/DNA, because almost every child has loudly lodged this protest, (usually with Mom &/or Dad.)
 What's not fair....? 
- A sibling got a larger piece of cake. 
- A friend got a new bike. 
- Other kids' parents let them watch a movie forbidden to them. 

But it's not just children who cry, "Unfair!" 
Teens can do so with style......... and adults with obnoxious subtlety & flair of  'keeping up with the Joneses'.

After being delivered safely from captivity and given free food each morning on their journey, the Hebrew children of the Bible began a 'pattern of grumbling', to the point some said 'slavery was better than eating manna every day' (Numbers 11:4–6). 

Apparently few things bother God as much as ungrateful grumblers. 
Had it not been for Moses' intercession, He would have been done with them.

There is a huge price tag on grumbling for yourself and everyone around you. 

The antidote is always gratitude..... (to Everyone & in Everything !)
May I...... (& you), realize that the Lord provide so richly for 'for our Daily Needs' (not weekly, not monthly.......!)

May we NEVER take His' proven Goodness for granted.....


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