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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Embrace CHANGE .....guided by the Holy Spirit !

GOD’'s creation...... Enlightens us to the 'truth about ourselves'.....
If we truly want to be our 'best selves', we must always be open to embracing the new. Now, I am not saying that we should drift whichever way a current trend takes us, but rather we should always be open to new ways of 'thinking and being'.
To state the matter differently.....
 I am not saying that we should be influenced by society, the media, or things outside of ourselves to change, -but I am saying we should always remain open and receptive to what the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us is sharing to take us to our next level of greatness. And believe me, the guidance from within is being broadcast; it is only a matter of if we are willing to be receptive to it.
When we are not receptive or when we have not attuned to the inner voice of our Counselor, life can seem boring and unexciting. Sometimes we can even feel stuck.There may be times when we may not be able pinpoint anything that is really ‘wrong’ so to speak, but we just feel unfulfilled. This is because it is our true nature to constantly expand from one level of completeness to another.
And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into His likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18
Anything that is not growing is dead and because of the Eternal nature of our souls (which are constantly growing and expanding whether we like it or not) when we try to house our newly expanded selves in a 'body/ temple' that is still operating under the mind and heart-sets of who we used to be, the result is often the negative emotions as outlined above.
Sometimes fear of losing who we really are can keep us from being willing to say yes to our expansion. The voice of the ego may tell us that if we change how we think and feel we may not remain true to who we really are. (We may even be afraid of what those close to us will think about our new selves....)
In reality, being open and receptive to growth and change is the ONLY way for us to be true to the best version of ourselves and is the way we embrace our true freedom.
When we give an inner yes to our best yet to be we allow GOD greater expression in and as our lives because we have attuned ourselves to the guidance of the still, small Voice inside of us that is the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things.
When we live from this place of awareness life is fun, exciting, and fulfilling! We are happy and inspired in our actions and/or inaction for we know that they are right actions with great purpose guided by Spirit.
Life becomes a fun adventure guided from within each of us where we are free and no longer bound by the imaginary shackles of obligation, habit, and expectation of others.
We will no longer feel that we need to conform to our current world but will know that we are free to be transformed by the renewing of our minds toward the unfoldment of our best selves!
What a great place to be!!!
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2Corinthians 3:17
Will you say yes........ to your best self, the self you came here to be for GOD, by being open and receptive to the Eternal broadcast of the Holy spirit ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Hendrik,

Thank you for your beautiful and uplifting message. God works in mysterious ways, and His way is Always the BEST WAY. If we stop and listen, we notice He is always with us, sending us daily messages and clues to where He wants us to be. He is alive and with us every day, no matter where in the world we might end up. He knows what we want, but He also knows what we need, and if we just trust Him and listen to that quiet little voice inside, it is quite incredible how He leads us to exactly where we need to be at this precise moment. Look at your life from His perspective and suddenly everything makes sense again. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want...