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Saturday, May 08, 2010

Ponderings on Dreams: .....Could it ever become .........still Reality ?

"Nothing happens but,..... 1st : "A Dream"

My dreams are whispers from my Soul searching for more than only 'Being'...
-for my true Purpose / Call in Life....

When I stop dreaming, in many ways, I...stop living.
I've been there.....done it, the T-shirt!

Waiting.... searching ..........25-years+, is more than what the ' normal human spirit' in its own ingenuity can bear to achieve, because Godly Intervention, awaits patiently to Intervene 'testing the waters' of 'Blind Faith'

"...for I don't anymore walk solely by 'human sight', but Act confidently by the 'process-of-doing' in Reckless Faith," (in Reference to 2 Cor. 5:7) 

# Only as....
* ... high as I reach I can Grow,
* ... far as I seek, I can Go,
* ... deep as I Look I can See,
* ... much as I dream can I (eventually ?) Be....!

# There are many 'things-in-Life' that caught my eye, but few that eventually captured my Heart....
Perhaps, -those are the only one should...... pursue ?
# Are there ANY Impossibilities in....
* ... dreams... ?
* ... Love...?

Are the Dreams we 'Dreamt-so-many-years-ago', still Alive-in-the-Sunshine...?
They were my highest 'Aspirations', know!
I might not reach them in a 'single flight of Steps' , ......anymore;
but, I can ...
- Look Up & Still Enjoy & Indulge in their 'Beauty'
- Believe in Them /( =You )
- Follow....where They ...may Lead!

It is said: "...... Future belongs to those that truly Believe in the 'Beauty-of-their-Dreams....."
- Why did 'Fear', embedded-in-politeness so many times.....
- Dishearten me, to 'throw my heart over the Fence' in Belief that the 'Rest will consequently, correctly follow' like 'Ducks-in-a-Row'?

Think of it...
We all Have 'something' SPECIAL; 
- being UNIQUE,
- have to Find the COURAGE,
-to FIND the 'PEACE'....
we ...SEEK!

So, ....
I'll (again) Dream-my-Dream, 
to eventually Live-my-Dream,
I'll NOT BE afraid-to-try time after time... Jesus will take my 'Soul-by-His' Hand, 
& Let, my spirit
......Fly with His' Spirit !

May 08.2010 11h02

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Live your dreams,
true love.......
faith ..... it's all
that matters,...25y