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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

An Eulogy .....Life before death as a...~Dash~

Today I have been asked write an Eulogy.....

A Remembrance of a very special person, truly a 'Man of God', I have only had the privilege of getting to know though the eyes of one of his beloved children.....I also haven't met in person, -yet......
I asked the Lord to 'Advance ahead of me'.... & Guide me.. in words I have to say on behalf of a 'Family of God' of a 'Man of God' through the newspaper to the world  'outside' .....
I referred to the dates, that will be engraved on his tombstone; from the the end
I noted that first came his date of birth, following by the date of passing... (while crying tears in my own broken heart) ,
But I said what mattered most of all .....was the dash between those years (1927~Today), 82 Full-out, fruit-full years....!

For that dash represents all the time that he spent 'alive on earth' ...and now only those who loved him know what that little line is really worth, -in memories, also only to be fading over the distant years.........
For it matters not, how much we own; the cars...the house...the various 'other assets';
What matters is 'how we Live and Love' & how we spend our 'daily dash'... of 86,400 precious seconds ..........every day !
So,......YOU my dear 'reader', - think about this long and hard...

Are there things you'd like to change ?
I do.....!
For you never know 'how much time is left', that can still be rearranged, in the right priorities.
If we could just slow down enough, -to consider what's 'true and real',
........And always try to understand,
...... the impact we have on the way other people might feel........
........And how I wish I could have been so many times, -less quick to anger; but also have shown appreciation more;
.......And loved the people in my Life, -like I had never loved before....!
I would dare to say that if I could treat you & the others (historically), -with more respect, I could have more often worn a 'truly inside Smile'...
At present, I...........acutely remember & I'm being vividly reminded, -that this special dash might only last a little while, -for ALL of us....
So, ........ just Thinking........
When my or your eulogy's are being read........,
With my Life's historic actions & impact to be 'Rehashed'...
Would me, you or everyone proud of the things they say, about how each of us spent our dash? 
I'm just asking........
No Judgement is past..........
.......Yet !

Life is short.
We shouldn't be afraid to sprint."
It's important not to save all your energy for the final lap;
Live your Dash so hard it will be impossible to forget.
Don't shut your eyes to the world; you might miss a miracle right in front of you.



Anonymous said...

So very true... What a challenge it is to truly be "in the moment", heart, body and soul without pining for the past or the future, when, in fact, this moment is all we have... An excellent book is "The power of NOW" by Eckhard Tolle, where he explains it beautifully.

Anonymous said...

One of the many great things that would be said at your eulogy is that you are a great man with great ideas who inspired the people lucky enough to know him to become better people themselves... May that day be very far off so that you may touch many more lives. In the Talmud is written: He who saves one life, saves the world. If by saving a life is meant bringing someone closer to God, you have certainly succeeded beautifully, many times... Thank you!