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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

PRIDE... ! ! [ Please 'click on here' to listen to ... "The 7 Deadly sins" ]

Remember the Story of the ‘Prodigal Son’ ………….?
When we desire independence so much that we launch out without God's full blessing, we can expect to fall on our face.
When pride enters our lives, it discourages us from dependence on anyone but ourselves; "I, me & Myself", -yet God says that we are to depend on Him alone.
If we think we can go it alone, we will fail.
On the other hand, in spite of the prodigal son's failure, he learned a great "Lesson of Grace" that he had not known before. He experienced 'Human Grace, Forgiveness and Love' in a way he had never known before.
This resulted in 'Humility of the Heart', which had a lasting impression & influence for the rest of his life, on the way that he was dealing with 'relationships'
Therefore, God even turns our failures into successes spiritually when we are willing to admit … “It’s ALL about God” NOT about me…….
Pride always goes before a fall… & eventually it WILL....... in 'God's Timing'

Please …..Check your heart today
Ask God if there is any pride that is encouraging independence from total trust in of God & Obedience in the ‘Commands of His’ Word’ of the MAJOR DEADLY 7 SINS ....found in each of us...!
Be Warned
It is going to DESTROY YOU !

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