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Monday, November 02, 2009

Bitterness ..........!

"Never Trust your Tongue...., when your Heart is bitter...."

It starts off as 'emotional bitterness'...

But then due to 'osmosis effect' we end up 'Being Bitter' as a total human being; it affects EVERYTHING; consumes our whole outlook towards Life.....

How Tragic?
"We thought we could 'hurt' the 'object of our bitterness', by 'drinking the bitterness poison' -ourselves, with the intention that 'they' should die & we feel better by getting them back (in revenge)"
How Twisted....
How Deceiving & irrational!
The enemy of our souls has a very specific strategy to destroy relationships...

Whether these relationships are...
in business, marriage, or friendships, the strategy is the same:
A conflict arises,...... judgments are made,...... feelings are hurt.
What happens next is the defining point of whether the enemy gains a foothold, OR the Grace of God covers the wrong.

When a root of bitterness is allowed to be planted and grown:
- It not only affects that person, but it also affects all others who are involved. - It is like cancer.....

The Solution.....
Breaking satan's foothold requires at least one person to press into God's grace. It cannot happen when either party "feels" like it, for none of us will ever feel like forgiving.
* None of us feel like talking when we have been hurt.
* Our natural response is to withdraw or lash out at the offending party.
* It is only obedience that allows God's grace to cover the wrongs incurred.
* This grace prevents the parties from becoming victims who will seek compensation for their pain.

In Summary.......
The next time you are hurt by someone, realize the gravity of the crossroads where you find yourself.
PLEASE .......Choose grace instead of bitterness.
ONLY then you will be free to move past the hurt, and a root of bitterness will not be given an opportunity to grow.

Perhaps NOW....
"See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Hebrews 12:15
...might make better sense....?

Shalom... & Maranatha

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