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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Basic Principle of..... Happiness

Within ...... each person there is a deep desire to be in the Presence of God.
You may not understand it fully, you may not even be aware of it,
-but there's a passion in your heart to be where God is.

God made you that way; to be a God-searching 'being'......
That desire is never satisfied until you are in His Presence—it's a universal human need.
Whatever you conceive God to be..... is the 'crux' of the problem : 
Your / my perception of the 'God' we are searching for....

Is it a god of...things, possessions, prosperity or any 'symbol/representation/image' thereof, or is it the Living God Jesus Christ....with which YOU/me may have an intimate Living Relationship !

Make sure 'your god' is worth Serving..............

Shalom ...Maranatha

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