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Friday, March 23, 2012

Following YOUR Heart....!

Some 'Thoughts' on the aspect of : "Following your Heart"...
* Work is a great deal of one's Life.
The only way to be Truly Satisfied is to do what 'you' believe to be ' Great Work'
Great work can only be done, if you Love that 'what' you are doing...
Keep Looking......until you've found it.

* To connect the 'dots' looking forward is an impossible job.
Looking backwards making it easier to connect the dots & then extrapolate them, as far as it seems to be logical.
(That doesn't mean you will look 'too much' back in the past....
...there may be quite a number of failed past attempts, -that are NOT that encouraging, taking their success, as a 'valid' prediction of future 'outcomes'...)
You have to be willing to 'somehow' whatever you've Done & whatever you Were, ....& throw that 'open-handed' away, -without longing  back, but 'Being' rather actively focussed on the ' Now' of the Present ! 
Go-on, Invent a 'new tomorrow', without worrying what happened yesterday!
You have to Trust & Believe that the dots will somehow connect in the future.....
Believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to 'follow you heart', even if that will lead you off the 'beaten well-trodden track'
This 'road' off the highway, you've decided to take,  ( thinking 'outside of the box'), might just make all the difference !

* Creativity & Innovation you've applied in creating things, is not that difficult.
For the Visionary Entrepreneur it is a 'natural' connecting of things with ideas; like connecting the dots; it's obvious, -for them....
When you asked them: "How did you do it?",
They feel somewhat embarrassed, -because they did not really do it, -they just 'saw' some possibilities & made it Reality.

* It is having an 'Insight' in things around us & pragmatic applying that insight in ways nobody has done before & expressing it in a simplistic manner that are unthinkable to those that haven't got that ' Insight'......

* Simple can be harder than complex.
You have to work hard to get your thinking 'clean' to be able to make it 'Simple'
But, it is worth in the long run; once you get there, there are clear parameters with 'little' uncertainties.
It means 'the sky is the limit', if there is a need / application of the principle.

* It may be somewhat 'difficult' to successfully differentiate among the multitude of things/ (Ideas), without getting stuck, & to really eventually focus on ' One'
But that may be also somewhat an 'Art'....
The cultivated ability to say 'no' to all of the hundreds of other 'distractions' that try to infiltrate your mind to be #1, & choose 'The One'...... that will 'clinch' the deal

* If I tried my best and fail for the 'n-th time' , ...then I have tried my best, with what I've got at this point in time.
Perhaps I may try tomorrow my 'best' again, with a new slant or a new approach to that, which I still Believe in, today.....
Failure of what I have tried, doesn't seal my fate.
I just confirm, I am 'not there......Yet!' 
Pure 'adrenalin'-perseverance DO make a difference...

* Time for each of us is limited, -so don't live someone else's Life.
Being trapped by dogma of the results of others' thinking, is to be NOT Authentic to yourself !
It is quite easy to allow the 'noise' of others' opinions & thinking, to drown out your own inner voice.
Be Authentic in allowing yourself the permission to follow your heart & your own unique Intuition.
.....It's ALL you've got.
Being 'truly YOU'!
Being able to go to bed at night & with reminiscent thinking, know you've been involved in something 'bigger than yourself'; something of more value & importance than only to be the 'historic richest man in the cemetery'....
To 'know-in-your-knower', YOU are making a difference...

* Quality is 'always' (OK, most of the times, without exception), -better than Quantity.
It just works that way.
Getting more, with Less.

Shalom & Maranatha

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