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Saturday, March 03, 2012

An Attitude of NO Forgiveness => Anger => Bitterness => A Devilish Stronghold!

Forgiveness is.... True Freedom!
In Daily life we are given plenty of opportunities to to harbour bitterness from relationships that have brought hurt and pain... 
Most people define forgiveness through......... forgiving a person and/or their behaviour. 
However,......... there is so much more to forgiveness in order to find inner peace & have the ability to love once more. 

When you look deep into yourself and have the ability to forgive someone in this way, to be able to forgive yourself, you become less of a victim and you can open up your heart to someone else.

Anger is one of the many 'necessary' phases of the 'grieving process'. 

It is natural to become angry when you have lost something or someone which you truly loved. 

Anger in itself provides us with a way of becoming the victim and allows us not to have to take responsibility for our mistakes. 

In order to grow as a person we must learn how to take responsibility for our mistakes, learn from them and press on.
Anger takes up so much energy, that could be better used in other ways. 
When you hold on to anger it takes up certain portions of your heart. 
When these portions of your heart are filled with anger you can not completely open your heart and love yourself, much less someone else. 
One way to help let go of that anger is through forgiveness.....! 

" You must learn to forgive yourself first before you can forgive others...."
Me/You have to forgive yourself for the bad decisions I/you have made because of ' Fear' ; being afraid to get hurt again ......
True forgiveness is to be able to understand that there is some 'Light' (Spirit), in each person’s soul, including your own. 
When you can find that flicker of 'Light' despite all that has been 'negatively' said and done, you can find true forgiveness and there becomes a sense of peace in your own soul that 'brightens you up'  both inside and out, .....despite the (lurking) darkness. 
It sometimes even evokes a sense of pity for the other person.........

Being able to forgive is huge, and will only help you in your journey to achieve inner Peace and True Happiness.
It is then, that not only you will find love, but love will find you… 

We can not change others, we can not change their behavior. 
The only person we can change is ourselves. 
When we forgive it does not matter how much darkness fills their soul and attempts to hide their 'Light' because our own 'Light' shines bright enough and opens up those portions of your heart that had previously been full of anger. 

"See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." - Hebrews 12:15

In above passage we're admonished not to miss the Grace of God so that we won't take up bitterness as a response to life's pain.
He cautions us against this because he knows that a bitter root grows and grows until it eventually defiles many others through a wake of bitterness. 
If bitterness is allowed to take root, we become imprisoned  to it; (as if "shackled" to the chain of captivity ).
 God's Grace will no longer have as great an effect (if any!) in our lives.... 
We become ineffective, insensitive, and spiritually dead.
 We can even become physically ill from it. 
God does not live in bitterness. 
He lives in Grace. 
He has provided Grace for every person to walk in.....if he/she chooses (personally) to do so...!
Additionally, to be able to see that 'Light in others' despite all the evils is very liberating…in a sense, a ' Right of Passage' …
The Choice is ..........solely Yours......... ?
With Grace came freedom - a freedom to love and even accept the person who was the source of such pain.
 This is the real place where Christ's power is most revealed. 
We cannot live without His supernatural Grace. 
Grace is there for the receiving....! FREE ! 
It will take Courage........ to accept it and walk ' daily' without failure in it...... 
This will be your step to freedom.

I, have chosen to be 100%......FREE !
What about


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