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Friday, April 29, 2011

'Keeping-up with the Joneses' vs True Relationships

Materialism........ the idea that the more things you have, the more you are esteemed by others, and therefore, you believe it enhances your own self-esteem..... !.. ?
You strive to buy all the things you can. 
You see someone else has purchased a new thing that you don't have, so you strive to buy one for yourself, even if the cost is greater than money.
You work longer hours to make more money to buy more things to add to your stuff collection. 
You buy things that you think will give you more pleasure, entertainment, convenience or
This means you spend less time with your loved ones and less time taking care of yourself.

Then you die.........

What happens to all your stuff?  
You can't take it with you, so the ones you left behind get to decide what to do with your stuff.    
 They may fight over it causing family rifts.

Some of them might not want your stuff at all and sell it to buy the stuff they want. 
What they don't want may be given to charity, or worse, just thrown away in the trash.
So much for your prized possessions....!

The ancient Egyptians tried to take their stuff with them.
The Pharaohs were buried in the Pyramids with all their stuff, including wives and slaves, with the idea that they would need their stuff in the next life. 
Thousands of years later, archeologists would dig up their burial tombs and display all their stuff in museums so people could see what kind of stuff ancient Egyptians collected.
So much for their prized possessions...... !

There is one thing you can take with you: Love !
The human heart has an unlimited capacity for loving an unlimited amount of people. 
And you can collect more people than you could ever hope to collect stuff.
The more people you love in this life, the more treasures you collect not only in this life but beyond. 
The more people you collect into your life, the happier and more secure you will feel, and this will go a long way in enhancing your self-esteem.

Have you ever noticed that someone who is loved by many is held in high esteem?

So start collecting today........'Treasured, Loved ones'

Grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, children, grandchildren, friends, coworkers, strangers in need.......
The list is unlimited and so is the love in your heart.....
........& you can take that with you....!


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