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Sunday, September 05, 2010

Our COMPETENCY .... in Service to others & God

The gifts and abilities God gives us are to be used for God's kingdom, in service to Him and others. Each time we serve in this way, we increase the potential of our gift. It is refered to as:
"The Bema Seat".......... 
(Please "click" on the title page: Competency, to read more about 'Rewards')

 Jesus' parable of the talents gives us some perspective.
 The master gave his servants a number of talents, 
......."each according to his ability" .......(Matthew 25:15)
The ones who multiplied their talents were rewarded; but the servant who simply buried his talent faced punishment. 
It's a sobering thought: we will be judged on how well we use our abilities. Even if we have fewer than someone else, we must always put what we have to use.....

Albert Schweitzer, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952, was a biblical scholar (often a controversial one), a medical doctor and missionary, and a celebrated musician. 
Few people achieve his success in even one arena, let alone three. 
In the eyes of God, however, it would seem that Schweitzer was not greater than anyone else who uses their talents to their utmost in the service of others, whether those talents are musical gifts, physical strength, or a compassionate heart......
We all have te same  'playing field'with the same 'rules' ....
What we eventually achieve in impact on others & Service..... is part of the 'Freedom to choose & do'-aspects of Life (see previous writings about freedom)

In the great orchestra we call life, you & I  have an [instrument & a song], and we owe it to God to play them both sublimely........ as a Token of Gratitude.......

Everyone outside of Christ is a missionfield;
Everyone in Christ should be a Missionary .....


His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"
Matthew 25:23


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