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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Obedience...... Is NOT a list of RULES to follow....but a willing RELATIONSHIP !

A life of obedience is not a life of following a list of do's and don'ts, but it is allowing God to be the Original in our lives.....  manifested in a Living mutual  Relationship !
Are you one of the many..........struggling hard for the so-called 'rewards' of this world.....?
Perhaps you are straining every nerve to obtain money, or place, or power, or pleasure or an Image that will portray the above !
If that be your case, take care....
You ARE............. sowing a crop of bitter 'eventual' disappointment.
Millions........... have trodden BEFORE you this path you are current  pursuing........, 
........& have awaken too late to find it ends in eternal misery ! 
They have fought hard for the idols of their own Imagination of wealth, honor, office, promotion, 'keeping -up with the Joneses' and therefore turned their backs in self-sufficiency on a Living God, and humbleness at the Feet of Jesus Christ, and a Real Heaven, and the Eternal world to come...... 
They have found eventually out,  that their whole 'earthly life', -has been .........a (grand ? ) mistake!

Resolution / Answer ?
Resolve this day to join......... the Lord's side.
You are either on the one or the other side; you CAN't be on the fence!
Shake off your past carelessness and unbelief......
Come out from the ways of a thoughtless, unreasoning world.....
 Fight the good fight of Faith in the only Christ, that you may be happy as well as safe.....Eternally
For now....NEVER forget, -we are JUST PASSING THROUGH .!

To run after the Lord of lords, Jesus Christ today—and every day. 
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength and wisdom to turn to Him in all things and make Him your only goal......... 

Is not the LORD your God with you? And has He not granted you rest on every side? . . . Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the LORD your God.
1 Chronicles 22:18–19


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