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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bible ........ = An 'actual' Sword

In opposition to all the suggestions of the devil.......,
.... the sole, simple, and sufficient answer to life problems is : the Word of God...!
This puts to flight all the powers of darkness
The Christian finds this to be true in his individual experience
It dissipates his doubts; it drives away his fears; it delivers him from the power of Satan.

The Bible is referred to as a sword because we use the strength of the Word of God in spiritual battles. 
The Bible is effective because....
truth cuts into the falsehood of acts of sin; 
- it causes the sinner to return to God
- it wards off the attacks of Satan
The Word fights on.......
As we learn the truths of God's Word, we then have possession of the battle gear necessary to fight the enemy of our souls

We have what will cause him to flee: the sword of God's truth. Jesus said: 
"If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31–32).

God has given us the power on earth we need to live for Him, but we must be willing to call upon Him and ask Him for help

That begins with a commitment to His Word. 
God will deliver His children as His Word has promised.

May I / you ever be ready, - for battle........ by learning the Word of GOD , the Bible


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