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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finding "REAL" JOY.............

 The times in my life I've been the most joyful, it hasn't really been a choice.
 It has been against (rather in spite of..........) -my (sometimes stubborn ? ) 

People say that L
ove is a choice.....
It is a 'cold-blooded' rational decision
(incorporating an assuming a 'stubborn' 2-way Dual-commitment to make it work-in-spite-of-circumstances..!)
I'm confident that's true. 
I guess that joy can be a choice in the same way. 
For example, I choose joy over self-pity; happiness over sullenness; & delight over disdain.

Yes, sometimes joy is a choice.
But more often for me, joy has been a symptom.
This is the kind of joy when someone asks me:  "Why I'm smiling.....?" 
It's the kind of joy that makes me truly care about how ........somebody's afternoon is REALLY going.......-because I'm concerned & really interested. 
This kind of joy bubbles over but not in a way that makes you bite your back teeth because it's too sweet....
No, because it's Genuinely Real......... 
It's an integral 'part' of me....

This is the kind that remains even when I know that someone 'close to me' is wrong & choose not to be critical &/or argumentative (when the situation is confronted) .... but rather STILL remaining Joyful 
When I have a difficult morning with ............whatever, 
Especially when I'm alone ......, left out, and heart-broken because of feeling unwanted &/or being disposed of......
Joy is a symptom of the heart.
It's like when a 'real genuine person ' ( laughs and the whole face carries the 'joke' – as if she/he doesn't know what else to do with the smile...... but to express it! 
It has to erupt through the face because 
the "Heart-is-Laughing"..!
That kind of joy doesn't come easily or automatically......
It's not as simple as a choice!
* It comes ONLY through /with 'hard work' spent devoting a heart in submission to God. 

* It comes with the discipline of waking up each morning and handing over a selfish life to a God who desires selflessness. 
*Joy like this is a symptom, an overflowing of a heart that walks in close intimacy with a Creator.

I have to be honest and say that I don't have that kind of joy .......every day. 
But I remember/encounter.......... often, what it feels like..... 
I remember what the smile tastes like on my lips and I remember what made my heart leap.........
 I can choose joy for right now, but to have it in a lasting way I must mend my heart.

Joy comes from . . .
~A heart that is solid.

~A heart that is directed toward heaven and not earth.
~A heart that seeks the best from each day.

Joy can be a choice.....
But,  the best joy is the symptom of a heart that's 'over-flowingly' FULL of it.
...... But....
ONLY 'Jesus The Christ'....can Gracefully Be-gift you initially, with....... the 'Genuine Joy'..!

The joy of the Lord is your strength! Nehemiah 8:10 

Shalom... & Maranatha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that beautiful message! Perhaps that little baby is very wise in immersing himself in his joy because he has no concept of ego yet... It is true that our heart contains joy, and even broken hearts can contain joy. Remember the song of Carly Simon where she said: "There's more room in a broken heart"? Compassion is the key to overcoming life's tragedies without succumbing to bitterness, I've found. In order to have compassion, you must understand the situation from everybody's perspective, and with love allow others to make mistakes (they might need this lesson for their personal growth, and we learn the most through our mistakes), forgive them for the hurt they have caused us, and then in love, let those feelings of anger and resentment (which comes up automatically) go. Sometimes we have to let go and let God...

Have a beautiful day!