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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Prayer......for YOU be Fully Utilized by YOU!

It's all about having a Personal Relationship ........... with Jesus.  

(Him,...setting the Perfect Example to follow of:  'How to have a Personal Relationship' ...with other  'Humans'...e.g. your spouse, children, parents, friends, workers, business associates, etc.)

When you commit to putting yourself under his care, He indwells you by His Spirit.
This is something which is hard to explain, but the Risen, 'Living Jesus' starts to change you and communicate with you through 'your spirit' (it's sort of like your conscience comes alive).  
Sounds weird, but it's very comfortable (assuring) after a while......
Communicating with God then becomes a continuing process (24/7), not like the formal prayers you hear in church.
The Spirit makes you aware of others' needs around you, gives you direction on choices you make, gives you power to resist the old habits you fall into, and comforts you when you're feeling down.  

When you are in-sync with the Spirit, there is a peace and joy in your life which is also hard to explain as a human to others. Therefore some call it supernatural; it is impossible as a human to do it 'yourself'....

I sometimes think that before I knew Jesus personally, (being Reborn in the Spirit), there was a hole in my heart that made me feel empty and many a times, angry because of my failure to be 'successful ONLY in human terms'  
Jesus plugged that hole with His own Presence.  
Now I feel completed, confident and purposeful......nevertheless physical circumstances that tend to make (blind) one to 'feel' the opposite because of  'human' expectations & standards.......  
My daily adventure is to communicate with him (and pay attention) before I do things and open my 'big mouth'.
When I do thing his way, the results are far better and my relationship with others is so much more positive.  
Trying to do thing for Jesus doesn't work.  
But letting him do things with me and through me works always wonderfully. 
The message.........  That we are Called to be 'Free in Christ'  
He set us 'FREE'.......!
Free from religious "duty", free from all those religious rules, regulations and tasks, free to be the people God created us to be.
I don't follow rules for the sake of rules..... anymore.  
I follow Jesus....... & obey because I 'want' to; not because I 'must'!
He guides me into loving God and loving others as we go throughout our day together.  
Sure I fail to follow his direction sometimes, but he doesn't condemn me..... like most humans do  ....
His patience and love for me are constant.
That's why I say being a Christian is being in relationship with him.  
The Gospel is so simple, most people miss it.   
Ask God in earnest prayer what you should do......?  
He will hear you. !
He is there for you, and wants to establish a joyful relationship with him right now on his terms (which is Jesus as your Lord). 

Do'll never regret it!
When 'all is said & done',  He is the only One,  that is never changing & that will never forsake us.....
Our only 'Lifelong Security' ......
God, the Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, through the Loving Companionship of the Holy Spirit 
For ever & ever 
Until Eternity runs out !

What an exciting Future.....
Yet to be Lived, 
-already Today!


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