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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Personal Desire.......

My personal desire is ......
...that God would hasten the day of Christ's return to put an end to all the evil and suffering in the world. 
But, God always does things in his timing—never mine, and that is......
- unquestionably a good thing.

In the meantime we struggle on...

...but ...

The smallest things become great, -when God requires them of us; 
they are small only in themselves; 
they are always great when they are done for God... 
& when they serve to 
unite us with Him eternally. 

I suggest that every day for the rest of your life me/(you ?) commit and trust our life's and ways to the Lord..... 
Tell God that you are available (with all your problems and sickness) and ask Him to help you in some way to be "as Jesus" to every life you touch
And may God use us to be a Channel of his Love in some way—no matter how small—to every life you touch. 
It is amazing what God can do in and through people regardless of their circumstances when their life is totally committed to him.

 "Dear God, there are so many things in life that we don't understand. 

So in the words of the serenity prayer, 'grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference....' 
And regardless of my circumstances please use me to be a channel of your love in some way to every life I touch. 
Thank you, -for hearing and answering my prayer. 
Gratefully, in Jesus' name, 
Amen !"


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