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Monday, June 07, 2010

ILL Health...... is NO respecter of ANY person !

Someone.....once described,  -how the experience of contracting a 'fatal / terminal disease', 'changed the views that were held' (paradigm shift), towards people & things.....
"A change came over me which I believe is irreversible.....
Questions of prestige, of political success, of financial status, became all at once unimportant. 
In their stead has come a new appreciation of things I once took for granted....
* eating lunch with a friend, 
* scratching the cat's ears and listening for his purr, 
* the company of my spouse, 'enjoying the kids' reading a book or magazine in the quiet cone of my bed lamp at night, 
* raiding the refrigerator for a glass of orange juice or a slice of coffee cake. 
For the first time I think I am actually savoring life. 
I shudder when I remember all the occasions that I "spoiled myself"—even when I was in the best of health—by....
 false pride,......... synthetic values, and ........fancied slights."

"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" 
(1 Thessalonians 5:18).


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