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Monday, April 12, 2010

Problems of Life............. Are there any cure...?

Two men were diagnosed with a deadly virus. 
They were told that the cure would change their life forever. 
Their families might disown them, and friends could turn their backs on them.

One man decided to decline the offer; he didn't want to be left out of anything. 
At first everything seemed ok. 
He drank with his friends and family and ignored what the doctors said.
Time went past and life took a turn for the worst. 
The virus began to consume his life. 
He had to quit his job and lost his source of income. 
The people he called friends didn't help, they told him it was his problem not theirs.  
Everyday was a struggle for life. 
His days were long and painful. 
On his deathbed his last words were, I should've taken the cure.

The other man decided to take the cure.
From then on his life changed. 
His family betrayed him, and said it was a waste of money. 
They didn't talk to him anymore because they didn't believe in what he was doing. 
His friends left because he couldn't do all the stuff he used to do. 
At first he cursed the doctors for the way people were treating him.
After time he began to get better. 
He was getting promoted because he was able to focus on his job. 
His family apologized for the way they treated him. 
He got new friends that helped him daily. 
Life to him was a gift. 
He thanked God daily that he decided to take that cure.

That virus is like our problems.
If we hold on to them and ignore them they will begin to consume us. 
They will take over our life and no matter what we do, we won't be able to get rid of them.

If we give our problems to God he can heal us.
He is the cure for any problem we might have.
Yes we might be treated differently, but in the end we can say....... 
"Thank you....... God!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely analogy!

Thank you for the inspiration.