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Monday, April 19, 2010

3 Promies of God, -subject to 4 conditions for 'us' to forfill... First & Foremost!

"......if my people,
who are called by my name,
will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face
and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin
and will heal their land...."
-2 Chronicles 7:14

Second Chronicles 7:14 contains a remarkable promise from the Almighty God that speaks of forgiveness and healing for a nation and the South Africa. 
But as awesome a prophetic promise as it is for us, in Africa, -many believers forget that it is a conditional promise
ONLY........When believers meet His' conditions.......God will honor His promise.

As we look at our 'desperate situation', we see a nation that is morally bankrupt and in spiritual decline. Vulgarity, indecency, obscenities, lies, and corruption are today's norm. Economic struggles, 'terrorist threats', sexual immorality, and the breakdown of families are just a few problems our country faces. 
We are a fractured people and nation, and we need healing through God's divine intervention.
The solutions to the nation's problems lie not with politicians, reformers, educators, or business leaders, but with God's people, -starting with each one of us; initiated during MMC10, by the men of SA ! ( )
Today, God's people are those who worship Him, who accept and follow the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, men (and women & children) who are His, not just in name, but in every aspect of their lives!
In the darkest of situations, the Christians/Church can call out to God, and He will hear. 
This promise has not expired, but remains the key that makes it possible for all His people to take full responsibility for our condition and turn back the spiritual decline.....

In fact, God has given the Church/ Christians four conditions to seeing His healing come to our nation and our lives, and they are all centered in changes that take place in our hearts...!

Ahmen !!! ....

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