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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Personal Intimacy ............with Jesus !

When we are engaged in His work we are 'supposedly' very close to Christ.....
But, the question remains....are we expending our anxiety and affections on the same objects on which His Heart is set...?

Martha, -needed a closer personal intimacy with Jesus...
She believed in the 'Power available' to Jesus Christ; 
she believed that if He had been there He could have healed her brother. 
Her perception had its fulfillment, only in the future.....
...........But Jesus continued to attract and draw her in until her belief became an intimate 'treasured possession' !

It then slowly.......... emerged into a personal 'Belief system'

“Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ . . .” (John 11:27).

Is the Lord dealing with me, -with you in the same way.....? 

Is Jesus teaching us to have a personal intimacy, -with Himself....? 
Allow Him, to drive His question home to you— “Do you believe this?” 
Are you facing an area of doubt in your life...? 
Have you come, like Martha, to a crossroads of overwhelming circumstances where your theology/hypothesis about some issue, is about to become a very personal belief?
This happens only when a personal problem, -brings the awareness of our personal need.
To believe to commit......! 

In intimate personal belief I commit myself ...............spiritually to Jesus Christ.
I make a determination to be dominated by Him,  -alone!

May I, you commit ourselves to Jesus Christ, anew......

May Jesus Christ meet each of us..... in our need! 

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