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Friday, December 11, 2009

"Solitary" Religion......vs..... Being in a "Two-way street" - Relationship


The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion, -but MUCH about a 'two way street' Relationship!

Do I have a 'Place' & 'Time' (in my schedule) ........... where I meet  & interact with others ...
- Someone 'Very Special'....
- Other 'Special people'
- God..... 

- "Sold-out" Believers for ....
Spiritual Growth and Encouragement? 

What about.......

Committing myself soon.... very soon to .....
- Someone 'Very Special'....
- Other 'Special people'

- "Sold-out" Believers in .......the body of Christ  to 'Help others' to
 Grow in their faith—while I grow in my Faith, too..... ?  (Did I say : 'Two-way street' ?)

Church attendance is down ...... 
- Fewer people attend 
- Those who attend do so less often. 

A number of reasons are coming to mind.....:

  • There are more Sunday morning options....
  • Convenient one-stop 'Shopping', golfing, fishing, 'outings', kids’ sports, amateur /professional sports, television programming, work demands, 'lame excuses' and much more than there was in a simpler day, -when more people attended.....
  • Most churches  aren’t meeting the needs of people today and 'being' relevant.
  • The church makes it too easy for people to be casual Christians.
  • People have become complacent and comfortable and aren’t committed to growing their faith, much less committed to church.
  • We are 'changing as a Nation' and is not a Christian nation any longer.
  • Young people are not becoming Christians..... at large, -because of also the non-example of 'the parents....'
The writer to the Hebrews said ....
 - Meeting together is essential for the spiritual vitality of believers. 
- He warns that there is a day of judgment coming when it is going to be difficult to live the Christian life. 
- We need to encourage one another 
- We need to spur one another on to good deeds 

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
Hebrews 10:24–25

I challenge YOU ! be 'honest' & Acknowledge to God ..."What is your 'real' Reason" or rather 'Excuse.... ! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder, and the greeting. Shalom must be the most beautiful greeting, meaning "God's best intentions for you".