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Monday, December 07, 2009

Circumstances.....don't let IT control you..!

I overheard this conversation not that long ago.....
A person that had his hand in a 'brace'/cast was asked: 
"What happened to you...?" 
The 'injured' replied....
...."I got mad at work and instead of hitting this guy I decided to hit the wall at work"!
"I broke my hand".....

Let's analyze this REAL LIFE SITUATION......:
* This person got mad and hit a wall at their job.
* This person did not lose their job, but has to go to anger
management classes without pay.
* This person has to pay to have the wall restored.
* This person's hand will NEVER be the same and will have to
endure pain most probably for the rest of their life.
* This person's manager thinks he's CRAZY!
* The person they got mad with, is walking around laughing.
* Do you think a promotion is around the corner for this person?
* Life is what we make of it! If you are given lemons, make
* Don't let your circumstances control you....
-You are in control of your 'own free choices/will' life.
-You've got the 'free choice' to let the Holy Spirit' Guide you in your choices..
- Which 'Choice' do you prefer..
........You being in control (of your actions in life)? 
- OR -
........The 'Creator of the Universe' ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be fair, it is probably better to hit the wall than the person you are angry at, if you absolutely HAVE to hit something...