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Friday, April 28, 2017

What is the 'magnitude' of Sin.....? / Wat is 'omvang' van Sonde.....?

Sin is unbelief that is what causes you to sin...
("Chet" [ =sin ] means “missing the mark.”)

I come across people from time to time who say they are born-again but have no idea what sin is...

So how can they repent and be saved, if they don’t know what is sin and what is not sin?

The most common sins in “believers” is fornication and adultery.....
Some asking for prayer against the probl
em spouse or girlfriend. 

You cannot pray for someone’s legitimate spouse when the prayer requester is committing adultery with the mate.
Because of this confusion......, I am listing God’s laws and a list of 'some' sins, as a guideline for people (including myself), who need to examine their own conscience from time to time....
These 10 commandments are central to all God’s laws.... even today. 
The 7 Deadly Sins are moral laws which must also be inter alia obeyed if the concept of: "...and the Truth will set you Free...." is fully understood.

The Ten Commandments
I am the LORD thy God

Thou shalt have no other gods

Other gods, or idolatry, also refers to ANYTHING or ANYONE that one puts as more important than God. 
This includes job, family, friends, money, fame, hobbies, sports, pop idols, one’s own ego....

No graven images or likenesses

Not take the LORD’s name in vain

Remember the sabbath day

Honor thy father and thy mother
Honoring parents is required, and talking back to them, mistreating them is a sin.

Thou shalt not kill 

The 7th commandment is not “hereg [ kill ],” but “retzakh [ murder ].” 
Murder is the taking of an innocent life
This also includes slander and gossip, which is meant to destroy the reputation and life of another person.......
Killing is permitted in war, as self-defense & in killing for food.
If these distinctions are not met in the context it is meant for, -then war and self-defense would not be permitted.....

Thou shalt not commit adultery

Adultery also includes all sexual immorality, including fornication, any sex outside marriage, pornography, pedophilia, homosexuality, bestiality.....

Thou shalt not steal

Stealing can include anything, no matter how small... 
People steal things from work all the time..... 
People steal credit from another for a job well done -or steal their reputation. 
Cheating on tests, or in the context of Bribery, -to get things or money unlawfully is also wrong.

Thou shalt not bear false witness

A false witness is a liar....

Thou shalt not covet

Coveting is wanting that does not belong to you.... 
This includes jealousy and envy. 
This includes property and other people’s boyfriends or girlfriends, or jobs, or spouses.


Elaborate List of 'unmentioned' Sins, not explicitly mentioned in The Ten Commandments &/or '7 Deadly Sins'..... (as FOUND in the New Testament)

This is not a list of “you’d better do these or else..!”. 

Rather, it is a list of things a truly regenerated (born again) person will not even 'want to do'... / will experience a sense of being uncomfortable with....
Of course, even born-agains are still human, and we still sin … but we can repent & receive forgiveness. 
His (God-3-in-One), plan is to develop His sinless nature in us so that we begin to live out the Holiness that He implanted in our resurrected human spirit when we gave our lives over to Him....

* Abusers of Self: Self-polluters, having unnatural lusts
* Backbiters: ("2-Gat-Jakkalse") Those who speak evil of those who are absent... 
* Banqueting: A drinking party
* Being a Stumbling Block to a Weak Brother Through Our Liberty: 
Taking liberty to do things without thinking of the effect on a weaker brother’s conscience.
* Being Angry With One’s Brother: Expressing unkind thought or action toward others
* Bitterness
* Blasphemy (
the action or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk)
* Boasting  (
talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.)
* Brawling (
fight or quarrel in a rough or noisy way.
synonyms: fight, skirmish, scuffle, tussle, exchange blows, come to blows, struggle, grapple, wrestle, scrimmage; )

* Brother Going to Law Against BrotherBringing a legal action against another...
* Burying our Talents: Not making wise use of what God gave us.... 
* Calling One’s Brother A Fool: Ridiculing another, derogatorily.....
* Chambering: Unmarried people living and sleeping together
* Clamor: (
a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting Loudly & insistently; continued noises) 
* Complaining (Murmuring: Grumbling, secretly complaining )
* Contentious: Quarrelsome
* Corrupt Communications: Unprofitable or impure language
* Covenant Breakers: Lightly breaking a solemn or legal pact.
* Craftiness: Cunningness
* Deceit
* Defilement  (Being defiled can mean a lot of different things in the Bible but the underlying theme is that it is against God. Those who are undefiled have been purified by the blood of the Lamb of God and been accounted as righteous but those who preach and teach a false gospel are defiled. Jesus says that what comes out of our mouth, which reveals what is in our hearts, is really what defines the person, not what they eat. (Matt.15:11)

If you have never had a time in your life where you have repented of your sins, which means you have turned away from them and forsaken them, and then put your trust in Christ, God sees you as still be defiled and the judgment that awaits you is sure and certain (Rev 20:12-15).)
* Defraud
* Denying Christ
* Desiring the Praise of Men: Doing things to gain praise.
* Despiteful (Characterized by intense ill will or spite: black, evil, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, nasty, poisonous, spiteful, venomous, vicious, wicked; Being bitchy....)
* Dishonesty
* Disrespect to Parents
* Divisions: Forming splits or schisms in groups
* Divorce...
* Double-Tongued: Making insincere statements
* Drunkenness
* Eating the Bread, or Drinking The Lord’s Cup Unworthily: Taking communion while living in sin
* Effeminate: Unmanly or womanish man.
* Emulations: ( Effort to match or surpass a person or achievement, typically by imitation instead of being authentic & uniquely yourself...)
* Evil Concupiscence
(Longing or desire for forbidden things... Strong sexual desire, lust, lustfulness, sexual appetite, sexual longing, sexual passion, ardourdesirepassionlibidosex drivesexuality, biological urge; lechery, lecherousness, lasciviousness, lewdness, wantonness, carnality, licentiousness, salaciousness, prurience; informal horniness, raunchiness, "the hots"; informal randiness, the horn; rare salacity, nympholepsy)
* Evil Eye: Having selfish motives
* Evil Thoughts: Worthless, injurious, or depraved thoughts
* Extortion 
(the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats... demanding money with menaces, exaction, extraction, blackmail; shakedown)
* Mothers / Fathers Provoking Children to Wrath: Frustrating children through harsh treatment and/or failure to communicate with the former /(ex)spouse.
* Fearful: Discouraged, anxious, faithless
* Filthiness
* Filthy Lucre: (Receiving personal gain through unrighteousness. Money; originally, money obtained dishonestly. This term comes from the Bible (Titus 1:11), where it refers to those who teach wrongly for the sake of money...)
* Finding Faults With Others While Having a Greater Fault Ourselves
* Foolishness
* Foolish talking: Silliness.
* Fornication (sexual intercourse between people not married to each other)
* Giving Offense: (Causing another to fall spiritually by our example...)  
* Guile: 
(sly or cunning intelligence.
"He used all his guile and guts to free himself from the muddle he was in"
synonyms: cunning, craftiness, craft, artfulness, art, artifice, wiliness, slyness, deviousness,
shrewdness, canniness, ingenuity; Deceit )

* Haters of God
* Hatred
* Having Evil Treasures in the Heart: (
"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he";  GOOD TREASURE of the heart contains Good affections; Good desires; Good intentions; Good volitions; Good passions.
EVIL TREASURES of the evil heart. The opposite to the good treasure)* Having Pleasure in Them That Do Things Worthy of Death: Enjoying the company of sinners.
* Hearing the Sayings of Christ, but NOT Following Them
* Heresies: Religious opinion different from established Holy Spirit inspired Scripture.
* High-mindedness: Arrogance 
(haughtiness, conceit, hubris, self-importance, egotism, sense of superiority; )
* Hypocrisy (the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case....
synonyms: sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, pietism, piousness, affected piety, affected superiority, false virtue, cant, humbug, pretense, posturing, spaciousness, empty talk;)

* Idle Words: Words of NO value.
* Implacable: (
Refusing / unable to be appeased or placated.
synonyms: unappeasable, unpacifiable, unplacatable, unmollifiable, unforgiving, unsparing, grudge-holding;)

* Inordinate Affection: Passion, lust.
* Inventors of Evil Things: Those who contrive evil ways to satisfy their carnal lusts.
* Jesting: Eph.5:4 (T
he majority of people love excessive jesting, the word is apt to be degraded. This is the case here, where it clearly has a flavor of the coarse or licentious.)
* Judging (Trying to .../ 'Playing' God...) 
* Knowing to Do Good, but NOT Doing it .....
* Lasciviousness:  (
inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd; e.g. A lascivious, girl-chasing old man. ... indicating sexual interest or expressive of lust or lewdness: a lascivious gesture; exciting lust.) 
* Laying Up Treasures on Earth: Pursuing material success at the expense of spiritual things.
* Living in Pleasure: Fond of luxury and sensual pleasure/gratification.
* Lovers of Self
* Maliciousness
* Malignity: Being harmful or dangerous, bad character.
* Mockery
* Presumptuous 
(Being said of a person or their behavior) failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate.
synonyms: brazen, overconfident, arrogant, egotistical, overbold, bold, audacious,
pert, forward, familiar, impertinent, fresh, free, insolent, impudent, cocksure;)

* Profanity (blasphemous or obscene language; a swear word; an oath.)
* Puffed Up: Overestimating of one’s ability or knowledge.
* Purloining  (
steal (something).
e.g." He must have managed to purloin a copy of the key")

* Railing: Slander (the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
e.g. "He is suing the TV company for slander"
defame someone's character, blacken someone's name, give someone a bad name, tell lies about, speak ill/evil of, drag through the mud/mire, throw/sling/fling mud at, sully someone's reputation, libel, smear, run a smear campaign against, cast aspersions on, spread scandal about, besmirch, tarnish, taint, misrepresent;)

* Reveling: (Overindulgence at feasts, merrymaking. enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing.
e.g. "a night of drunken reveling"
synonyms: celebrate, make merry, have a party, party, feast, eat, drink, and be merry, carouse, roister, have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself, go on a spree;)

* Rioting
* Seditions: Stirring up opposition against authority.
* Self-Will: Arrogant
* Speaking Against the Holy Ghost
* Sorcery: Practicing magic with aid from evil spirits.
* Speaking Evil of Dignities: Speaking ill of those to be honored.
* Stiff-Necked and Uncircumcised in Hearts and Ears: Obstinate
* Strife: Quarreling, seeking superiority
* Striker: Ready to Fight
* Swearing: To take an oath (as in court).
* Teaching for Doctrine the Commandments of Men: Neglecting God’s commandments by man-made interpretation or commandments.
* Traitors
* Trusting in Riches  Being Materialistic in many a way.....
* Not Entering by the Door Into the Sheepfold: Seeking salvation through means other than the Blood of Christ.
* Unbelief: Lack of faith.
* Uncleanness
* Unforgiving Heart
* Unmerciful
* Unrighteousness: Moral wrongfulness.
* Un-thankfulness
* Vain Jangling
Babbling. 1Tim.1:6 : Proud, self-conceited talking against what God has revealed and against God Himself.
* Variance: Strife
* Voluntary Humility: False humility.
* Wantonness: Lustful, morally unrestrained.
* Whisperers: Secretly spreading false or slanderous information.
* Whoremongers: One who associates with whores; /  a male prostitute.
* Witchcraft
* Wickedness: Evil practices, crime.
* Without Normal Affection: Hardhearted 
* Without Understanding: Unwise
* Wrat

The above is a long list of sins in addition to the Ten Commandments & 7 Deadly Sins.... 
I kind of like Gods revised a short list of Love replacing them as they are all fulfilled in love. Anyone who believes that it is the Christian's duty to refine their old nature and to the degree that they are successful, their new nature ( new creation in Christ) will be advanced should read Charles Spurgeon’s sermon entitled “The Fainting Warrior”
It describes the relationship between the old and the new far better than I could. 

If you live in sin you cannot get into heaven. 
God is holy, the Holy Spirit cannot abide in a sinner. 
Probably only about 10% of Christians live the “Christian life” of following Jesus. 
Preachers do not preach sin for fear of upsetting their 'brethren' which would hurt the ‘income’. 
Guess what, few preachers get into heaven as God holds them accountable for the lost (Ezek 3 & 33). 
If you do not hate sin then you are not saved! 
A true Christian hates sin. 
God hates sin. 
Lukewarm Christians think sin is acceptable but in God’s eyes, it is not. 
We need a repentant heart and a sorrowful mind of our sin lives before we will find the joy of the Lord.

There is a difference between living in sin and committing a sin.
The righteous man falls 7 times a day, according to the Bible.
What God looks at is if we repent after we have fallen.
He looks at our hearts, NOT our success rate.....

Unbelief’s attributes are the things mentioned elsewhere... 
Unbelief comes out in the flesh things of the mind, Body, and soul. 
The Pharisees thought they had no sin by keeping all the commandments
But the “Sermon on the Mount” showed them higher principals than even the Commandments. 
Jesus said just to hate someone you become a murderer. 
As noted above. The Pharisee’s greatest sin=doubt was not recognizing their day and message. 
As in Jesus day. 
He said to Search the Scriptures for in them it reveals who He Was. 
But they could not accept that. 
That is the Unpardonable sin......

Having communion and eating a piece of hard bread and grape juice.
Is not what it is all about......
Communion is “eating and drinking” of the – Word of God and Spirit. = the “Word is our communion today”.
Jesus said to eat of His flesh = word and drink His Blood – the Spirit.
Life is in the Blood.
It's Spiritual.....

As it says in Corinthians: That’s why many get sick, and many die. 
They do not believe the Word and live in the world and it is a reproach to Jesus Christ, to say the least.
 ” They do not make “the Mark of God” Because they have never known him. Matt. 7. 
They do miss the mark of God and then take a religion and end up taking the “mark of the worldly beast within”. – “because of Unbelief” 
By rejecting Gods truth will cause you to stray from the truth and will one day give you a “reprobate” mind and you will believe in a delusion.
You have to read the Bible yourself and study. 
Please do not expect your Pastor to give you Eternal life. 
God’s Holy Spirit will lead you into it. 
.....If we read the Word with a sincere heart.

People have to die.
Cause 'in Adam' all die.
But 'My spirit man' will never die.
It will live on in Heaven, Eternally.....
The Point is that you can shorten your life span by disobedience to God and NOT be doing His will.
You cannot stay in (sin= doubt and unbelief) and read the Word and still stay in your doubt and unbelief.......
That is contrary to God way of Blessings.
The Christian believer has to take all their “infirmities” and lay them at the foot of the Cross.
Jesus will take care of you.
As long as you are really sincere about your walk with Christ.
And He said He knows about all your infirmities and is a present help in the time of Trouble....

The Law and Commandments are Spiritual in the Nature of the heart. 
If people would really have the Spiritual Sabbath in them today. 
They will be full of the “Mighty Power of the Holy Ghost” which is the “Comforter and Rest” that Jesus said we must have. 

I have heard a testimony of men who said they did not have the Holy Spirit in them. 
Then they are still living in doubt. 
Like the 3 years, the disciples spent with walking with Jesus just to abandon Him in His passion.
But after the Holy Spirit came into them with Fire- they would have died for him which they did. 
That “fire” will burn all sin and doubt out of you sooner or later it has to or it is not the true Holy Spirit.
Every man or woman in any day must receive the Holy Spirit. 
It is a must for today as it was in Jesus day when the church first started.
Special note – Speaking in tongue’s, do not have to be manifested to be full of the Holy Ghost. It is “A” evidence but so is the other 8 gifts of the ONE SPIRIT...

Rom.13:9 : 'For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill,, thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandments, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’

According to this verse then, sin is anything that is contrary to love, in our relationship with others.

As a man once said to a crowd: "I am a fool for Jesus Christ – but – whose fool are you...?"

Reading this list for the n-th time, make me just time & time again aware of how fragile &  fallible/prone to sin as human beings we are, every day......
As Reborn Christians we DO know when we sin, -so to repent immediately before the sin gets bigger and to repent with a true the answer, -while asking the Holy Spirit to Guide & Help  & Protect us in our future endeavors....! 

Shalom & Maranatha.......

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