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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Omgekeerde diskriminisasie............! Inverse Discrimination ....! Reasons ?

Why reverse opression CAN never have a win-win ending...!

Ek is 'n aktiewe PlaasBoer wat aldag leef te midde van dreigende plaasaanvalle & die werklikheid van toename in misdaad,  daagliks waarneembaar ook in ons gemeenskap !

Enkele 'pitkos'- opmerkings....."to ponder on" oor hoekom ek so sterk voel jeens omgekeerde diskrininasie, waarvan onbillike regstellende aksie maar een aspek van is.....

* 'Peace' is purchased from  a position of strength!
It is NOT purchased from weakness &/or unilateral retreats !
That is WHY I/we must continue perusing this & other matters....

*  I don't thrive on offensive acts.... (it is not part of my historic or present culture!)
I will therefore act defensively because I/we have to, & subsequently Thank God when we are efficient in forfilling the mandate as from the Bible...

* If the politically instigated criminals were to lay down their guns tomorrow, -there would be NO MORE farm attacks.....
If us as farmers were to lay down 'everything' & being 'run over' there would be NO MORE farmers & NO MORE food (as in Zimbabwe)!

* I don't rejoice in victories of one over another....
I/We rejoice when a new kind of crop is grown or herd of cattle is developed & when people are appreciative of our efforts in the middle of nowhere in the 'platteland' to keep segments of the country fed !

* Inverse &/or reverse  discrimination bmo Affirmative action against whites & 'Afrikaans' is illegal & unconstitutional.
Being 'white' is what we are born; we can not change it (biologicaly) & will forever be Afrikaans-speaking in land of ALSO our forefathers!

* As a farmer we/I've got a love for the soil /land/ farming & we will make it happen, in spite of circumstances...... it is no idealogical dream, lie or fallacy !

* Our 'enemies' sanctify illegal activities of destruction, arson, theft & looting, wanting hand-outs for free; we sanctify life through building-up 'something' from nothing, leaving a legacy through disciplined hard work, thinking long-term !
Idiological tainted fanatics & politicians ask us to 'commit suicide', -even if they have 'good' intentions; we will tell them NO!

* In the SA of today , to be a realist as a white (Afrikaans) farmer, that is able to survive the onslaught of the majority of the numbers, you must be able to 'recklessly' believe in the reality of daily 'unheard-of' miracles ......!

* SA must be the only country in the world where, -on the morrow, the white nation handed to the 'majority in numbers' their self-relinquesed power on a platter; are now being sued for equality by means of non- affirmative action & the beneficiaries asked for unconditional surrender of culture, language & private property without compensation....!

* We are a cultural nation that loves peace & fairness in ALL aspects....
We will never stop growing &/or developing, -but we know instinctively how to effectively protect ourselves, without any waiver, against illegal action, -ONLY if need to be !

* The criminals  must know that we as the newly inverse discriminated minority have a right to self-defense, -just like any other people!
The motivation is very simple... To defend inter alia aspects that are vital to segments of the Boere Afrikaner culture & nation; (of which whites & Afrikaans speaking people are part of); & this effort is part of reserving the right to defend ourselves & those things that are precious to us & to me.....

Fluit-Fluit my storie is uit .....

Shalom & Maranatha

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