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Thursday, January 03, 2013

Questions to Answer, -being a Christian...

The sad thing is, that too little difference exists, in terms of emotional & relational Maturity, between God's people 'inside' the church & those 'outside', who claim to have a Relationship to Jesus Christ....

The sad reality is that too many people are fixated at a stage of spiritual immaturity, that current models of being a christian, nowadays, have not addressed.
The link between emotional health & spiritual maturity is a large, unexplored area of 'truly being a christian'.....

Do you ..........
...  say "I am sorry" or sorry, on a regular basis?
...  criticize others?
...  fail to tolerate different points of view?
...  have the 'lonely' spouse at home, while being the 'busy-body' serving in the church / community / or being constantly engaged in something else?
...  interpret many a suggestion / comment as a personal attack or act of rejection ?
...  struggle with feelings of bitterness & resentment, but fail to do something constructive about it ?
...  the exemplary "servant" who tirelessly volunteers in several different 'ministries' , but rarely takes any personal time to take care of yourself?
... use activities & meetings with others to escape the painful reality of 'failing relationships'? 
...  avoid being transparent about your struggles or difficulties?
... 'know in your know-er' that something you indulge in wrong ?

God has called each one of us to 'rewrite' our personal history where He has 'cautiously positioned' us......
Our decision on this challenging fact of 'being alive' , will only be of significance if I intend to 'align my story with His-Story', becoming consequently, 
-The Greatest Story ever Told.....

Shalom & Maranatha..........

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