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Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Human need to be ......'Relationshipped'.....

The Lord God said........,
'It is not good for the man to be "alone" 

I will make a helper 'suitable' for him'......Gen 2:18

It goes without saying that God created mankind for 'relationships'....

A Vertical Relationship....with Him(Them) as Trinity
A Horizontal Relationship ...with your fellow 'human'

Relationships, -from which emerges 80%+ of Life's Satisfaction..... (or pain / discontent, -by the same token!)
To live meaningfully is to be in meaningful 'relationships', without which life is lonesome & leaves us with an empty "love tank" or a 'painful' vacuum in the heart.
If we don't know how to relate in healthy ways; we don't know how to fully live & fully love.   
As a result we can impair our mental & physical health........ 
God himself is in relationship through the Holy Trinity and Jesus started the Christian movement with 'relationships'!
He [Jesus] appointed twelve … that they might be with him" Mark 3:14 
Christ's entire ministry was done in relationship with his 12 disciples, apart from his dying on the cross to bear the penalty for our sins.
This he had to do"alone"

As a Christian, the 1st need is to maintain a right relationship with God by.....
- confessing our sins, 
- making right our wrongs, 
- living in harmony with his will. 
Trying to live the Christian life without this is, - like trying to go ' east' by travelling 'west'. 

'Humans' (I think we are rightfully called, when we acknowledges a Spiritual dimension in our Life), -then consequently need close, connected relationships with other humans/ people. 
Only then can we realize some of the deepest longings of the human heart.
The reality is that we need people ( -despite our own sometimes need for 'Silence')

Barbara Streisand sang it well.........: 
"People who need people are the luckiest people in the world."
People who say otherwise are living in denial.....

The degree of our mental health, emotional maturity, & physical & spiritual well-being will be reflected in the health or otherwise of our closest relationships. 

God's command to "love one another" is not a sentimental suggestion.
It's an imperative—not for God's sake but for ours......

May we ....
........resolve any & all impaired relationships we may have..... 
........God Help us also to live in harmony with His' will,- so that we each will have healthy relationships with him/herself, others and above all with God ( as embedded Trinity)

Shalom in His Grace........Maranatha !

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