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Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Awesomeness............of God?

When was the last time you took a glance from the top of a mountain or  even an outcrop higher than the rest of the surrounding 'veld'/ land ?
You don't glance at pictures of a huge mountain & say,
"Hmm, nice hill. Maybe a little taller than some mountains." 

You don't witness the wonders of Nature and say, "Oh, yeah, that's a pretty sight."

I stand in silent awe.......

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and Your glory above all the earth.  Psalm 108:5  

Due to circumstances at work, I had acquired recently a scrambler motorcycle, that enable me to do work in the roughness of nature on the border between South Africa & Zimbabwe...
When you travel by motorcycle, nature is closer at hand; you are part of it; The wind; smells & odour's embedded in the wind;  warmth / cold of the wind; sights from/within nature.

Who made these 'Wonders of Nature' ?

The rest of His creation is equally awesome. 
Consider the stars in space, for example. 
Though we were to study for a lifetime, we still could not fathom them.

When God does it, it makes us stand back in respect......!

It puts all self-centered human achievements of those that think they are god-like themselves,  -on the lowest level.....


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