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Friday, June 29, 2012

Failure...... in more than one way.?

Growing up, each one of us has a role model; someone who we strive to be
and model our life or career after....... 

Someone who is THE ideal for whatever role we see ourselves in. 
In business it might have been Steve Jobs; in Real Estate it might be Donald Trump; it changes for every industry, but at some point in our lives, each and every one of us will utter the phrase (publicly or privately)
 “I want to be the next _______.”

Think about who your heroes are.

Who do you want to emulate?

What is your perceived ideal?

While we might try as hard as we possibly can to become what or who we have concluded is THE ideal, it’s important to remember that we’re ONLY human.
NO specific job or career goal should define us....! 
Life isn’t always fair & we’ll inevitably fail at one point or another.......

It is THROUGH this failure that we recover, adapt, and ultimately grow into our own unique version of the person we want to be – maybe even raising the bar for generations to come.

Think about the times in your life when you’ve failed........

There’s probably nothing worse than the sting of failure, especially when you’ve
worked hard or gave everything you had in loyalty, towards a relationship..... !
But there’s always a lesson to be learned.... 
Sometimes it’s a life lesson, and sometimes failure is what pushes you to learn a new skill or embrace a new idea. 
No matter what type of lesson your failure pushes you to learn, it’s an opportunity for growth, self-improvement, and success...... only possible through a 'paradigm-shift' ...sometimes !

Be NOT afraid to fail, because whether you fear failure or not, you will still be
'disappointed' ..... 
But it’s through that disappointment that your unique life starts to take shape. 
That failure can become a catalyst for profound reinvention & is what will help shape your dreams and ultimate success.
"...when we are weak,Him in us...are making us Strong, if relying TOTALLY on Him .."

What are your dreams TODAY?

Are they the same dreams you had at age 12? 22? Yesterday?

I know my dreams have changed over the years, and I’m sure they’ll continue to
... & that’s okay. 
You’re not the same person you were 20 years ago, or ten years ago, or yesterday, and there’s no rule that says your dreams have to stay the same. 
Your dreams and goals should nevertheless grow with you.

As you achieve your goals, you realize new ones – things you didn’t know you wanted before, but are now clearer than ever.
Embrace your evolving dreams, your past and future successes, and especially your failures; because without them you would not be in the unique position to redefine the ideal.

I hope it helped you put the fear of failure into perspective of  it is possible to overcome failure to achieve great success.

No matter what you dream is today or what it evolves into tomorrow........,
“Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen.”

...But, ONLY with the Help & Grace of an UNCONDITIONAL Loving God, Jesus Christ !

Shalom ... Maranatha 

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