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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Giving....more than Money..something much more!

God places people in our path for us to be a Blessing......

My mother would always get on me about giving things away.
 I can remember as far back at the age of seven, I gave another child my shoes
off my feet because I saw a need. 
My mother would always say that I would never have anything, but that way of thinking never was in my mindset.

I know that in accordance to God's will, when He instructs us to give, we must be obedient because in all actuality, it all belongs to Him. 
I believe if every person heeded God's voice when He instructs them to bless someone, we would be in a better position as a country and as a nation......

One day I was driving & saw this young woman walking, looking as though she was exhausted.
I made a U-turn and came back around and asked her could we give her a ride. 
She took the offer immediately.

As I am driving I hear God's voice say to give her the money that I had in my ashtray.
 I don't smoke so I would keep change or some money I have in the ashtray.

The only thing was that I knew that I had quite a substantial amount in the astray.

I didn't hesitate, nor was I upset about His request, I just heeded. 
As I dropped her off to her destination I could see that it was an environment of drugs, sexual perversions and God knows what......... 
As she was thanking me for the ride, I took the money out of the ashtray and balled it up in my hand and placed it in her hand.

She didn't know what I was giving her and I asked her not to think nothing of it and told her that God loves her and that He is with her every step of the way. 
I gave her my business card and told her if she ever needed to get to church call me and I
would take her......

She got out and I drove off. 
Long story short, she called me about three weeks later excited about her new apartment. She went on to say how it had to be God because she was in a situation with five young children where she and her kids were living with her uncle who was violating her physically but she had nowhere to turn. 
The money that God instructed me to give her along with the money that she saved two weeks prior gave her exactly what she needed to make her transition....!

People need to know that everything is not always about monetary gain but about being obedient and sensitive to the voice of God & to give when He instructs us to give.

Shalom & Maranatha

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