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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rationalization... effect on Lack of Peace of Mind ('Cognitive Dissonance' )!

Rationalization is a powerful defense mechanism which comes at the cost of 
Does honesty with oneself comes with a price in happiness? 

Two timeless principles at work, -that deserve our attention.

First, how you finish is far more important than how you start

No one graduates from school thinking, Okay, now how can I fail? 
No bride or groom tells the wedding guests, "Enjoy the party; this thing won't last more than a couple of years." 
Only when a woman or man finishes well ..........can we call that life a success. 
A good beginning does nothing to guarantee a good ending. 
Happy endings are the result of ........good choices and consistent discipline put in sequence over a lifetime and faithfully maintained.

Second, rationalization is disobedience because it refuses to accept the truth
I've heard it said that the most destructive lie is the one you tell yourself. 
Rationalizing is an insidious form of self-delusion. 
It starts small---usually with something innocent---and quietly twists the mind to spin the truth in convenient ways. 
In the end, the self-deluded mind rationalizes everything so conveniently, so automatically, that the person has no concept of how preposterous his or her thinking and behavior have
And---never forget this---no one is immune.

What's this got to do with cognitive dissonance?
.. Everything. 
Cognitive dissonance is a fancy term for mental disharmony or a lack of peace of mind. 
For example, if we consistently fail to do what we know is right, and/or keep doing what we know is wrong, we will lose peace of mind and experience cognitive dissonance. 
Because we can't stand living this way, instead of correcting our behavior, we repress and deny our feelings, rationalize our behavior, justify our actions, start believing our own lies— & end up with a hardened heart and dead conscience
—a dangerous course to follow. 
Ultimately we self-destruct.....!

All of God's laws are universal. 
Take his moral law for example. 
We can no more break it than we can break the law of gravity. 
Try to break either one of these and we end up breaking ourselves against them. 
How foolish to think we can break God's laws and not suffer the natural consequences...!
All we do is harden our heart and deaden our conscience. 

What stand me/you to do.....?
* Unless we repent of our sinful ways and turn back to God, we end up in a lost eternity forever. 
God's ways are for our protection and eternal salvation. 
We neglect them at our own peril....
Further ..... 
* Listen to and heed the warnings God have built into my/your mind (conscience), when we're tempted to stray from the truth and what is right … so that we'll will never deaden our conscience & end up with a hardened heart.... !

Shalom & ....Maranatha

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